Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


1996 Stats

87 Races in 1996

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
11/05/1996AK Jed WhittakerU.S. Senate
11/05/1996AK Ron ReedBorough Assembly
11/05/1996AK John GramesU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996AL Larry Wayne GranthamMayor
11/05/1996ARElected Randy ZurcherCity Council
11/05/1996ARElected Stephen MillerCity Council
11/05/1996AZElected Gerald AndersonCharter Commission
11/05/1996AZElected Norm WallenCity Council
11/05/1996CA Hank ChapotState Assembly
11/05/1996CA Larry KissingerBoard of Education
11/05/1996CA Chris KavanaghCity Council
11/05/1996CAElected Jennifer HananCity Council
11/05/1996CAElected Bob OrnelasCity Council
11/05/1996CA Walt SheasbyU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996CA Larry ShoupCity Council
11/05/1996CA David Minton SilvaCity Council
11/05/1996CAElected Suza FrancinaCity Council
11/05/1996CA Tim FitzgeraldBoard of Education
11/05/1996CAElected Michael FeinsteinCity Council
11/05/1996CAElected Dona SpringCity Council
11/05/1996CA Tom StaffordCommunity College District Board of Trustees
11/05/1996CAElected Cynthia StreckerSchool Board of Trustees
11/05/1996CA Will YeagerU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996CA Kristen AndersonCity Council
11/05/1996CA E. Craig CoffinState Senate
11/05/1996CO Tico EmburyState House of Representatives
11/05/1996CO Gary SwingState House of Representatives
11/05/1996HI Karen ArchibaldState House of Representatives
11/05/1996HI Jason SchwartzCounty Council
11/05/1996HI Keiko BonkCounty Mayor
11/05/1996HI Julie JacobsonCounty Council
11/05/1996HI Donnalynn JohnsCounty Council
11/05/1996HI Julie LeialohaCounty Council
11/05/1996MA Charles LawsU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996ME John RensenbrinkU.S. Senate
11/05/1996MEElected Harold HansenSchool Board
11/05/1996MEElected Karen MayoSelectman
11/05/1996MEElected George LehighTown Council
11/05/1996MI Gaia L. M. KileCounty Sheriff
11/05/1996MNElected Debbie OrtmanCity Council
11/05/1996MN David AbazsCounty Board of Supervisors
11/05/1996MN Cam GordonState House of Representatives
11/05/1996NM Abraham GuttmanU.S. Senate
11/05/1996NM John A. ‘Jack’ UhrichU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996NM Andres VargasDistrict Attorney
11/05/1996NM Roberto MondragonState House of Representatives
11/05/1996NM Peggy HelgesonPublic Service Commissioner
11/05/1996NM Tom LuebbenState Supreme Court
11/05/1996NM Scott JonesCounty Commission
11/05/1996NY Tom LeightonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996NY J. David SwiftTown Council
11/05/1996NY Craig SeemanState Assembly
11/05/1996NY Bob PolhemusState Assembly
11/05/1996NY Anthony GronowiczState Assembly
11/05/1996OR Cecilia StoryState House of Representatives
11/05/1996OR Andy DavisState House of Representatives
11/05/1996OR Gary KutcherU.S. Senate
11/05/1996OR John WalshCity Council
11/05/1996OR Allan OpusU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996OR Joe KeatingU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996OR Richard BowdenCounty Commission
11/05/1996RI Jeff JohnsonState House of Representatives
11/05/1996RI Graham SchwassU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/1996VA Tyla MattesonU.S. House of Representatives
06/04/1996CA Jon LiCity Council
06/04/1996NM Sam HittU.S. Senate
06/04/1996NM John McCallU.S. House of Representatives
04/09/1996AZElected Alva D’OrgeixTown Council
04/09/1996CA Ken GoldsteinMayor
04/09/1996CO Krista ParadiseTown Board of Trustees
04/02/1996WIElected Robert OlsgardCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/1996WIElected David ConleyCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/1996WI Kathryn McKenzieCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/1996WI Bruce T. CiskieCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/1996WIElected William AndersonCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/1996WI Frank KoehnCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/1996WI Ben ManskiCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/1996WIElected Robert BrowneCounty Board of Supervisors
03/26/1996CAElected Julie PartanskyCity Council
03/26/1996CAElected Bill BulkleyPlanning Board
03/26/1996CAElected David DiehlPlanning Board
03/26/1996CAElected Timothy MoorePlanning Group
03/26/1996CAElected Kip KruegerPlanning Board
03/19/1996NMElected Fran GallegosMunicipal Judge
03/19/1996NM Miguel ChavezCity Council
01/30/1996OR Lou GoldU.S. Senate