Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2005 Stats

206 Races in 2005

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
12/06/2005CA Bea Tomaselli TiritilliU.S. House of Representatives
11/28/2005CAElected Jeff ChapmanNeighborhood Council
11/08/2005CA Gary BlennerBoard of Education
11/08/2005CA Hilary Bradbury-HuangCommunity College District Board of Trustees
11/08/2005CA Dana DillworthCity Council
11/08/2005CAElected Joseph GauderCommunity Services District
11/08/2005CAElected James HarveyWater and Sanitary District
11/08/2005CAElected Madeline HopeSchool Board of Trustees
11/08/2005CA James MarshWater District Board of Directors
11/08/2005CAElected Paul PerkovicWater and Sanitary District
11/08/2005CA Brian Lee RencherCity Council
11/08/2005CAElected Curtis RobinsonBoard of Education
11/08/2005CAElected Nicole VigeantCommunity Services District
11/08/2005CT David BedellConstable
11/08/2005CT Joshua BroekstraCity Council
11/08/2005CT Eric BrownMayor
11/08/2005CT Jean de SmetSelectman
11/08/2005CT Andy DerrCity Council
11/08/2005CT Trish Haines DayanBoard of Education
11/08/2005CT Kenric HansonBoard of Education
11/08/2005CT David HegBoard of Education
11/08/2005CT David IonnoBoard of Education
11/08/2005CTElected Hector LopezConstable
11/08/2005CT Margaret ManionFirst Selectman
11/08/2005CT Kelly McCarthyCity Council
11/08/2005CT Miguel Angel NievesMayor
11/08/2005CT Charlie PillsburyBoard of Alders
11/08/2005CT Thomas SevignyBoard of Finance
11/08/2005CT Darek ShapiroMayor
11/08/2005CT Robert StullerCity Council
11/08/2005CT Amy Vas NunesBoard of Education
11/08/2005GA Elaine BrownMayor
11/08/2005GA Gladys LydeCity Commission
11/08/2005MA Dan KontoffState House of Representatives
11/08/2005MAElected Bruce MeninSchool Committee
11/08/2005MAElected Luc SchusterSchool Committee
11/08/2005MA Gerald SykesSchool Board
11/08/2005MAElected Chuck TurnerCity Council
11/08/2005MD Joanne IvancicBoard of Aldermen
11/08/2005ME David HomaTown Council
11/08/2005MEElected Susan HopkinsBoard of Public Education
11/08/2005ME Richard (Angelo) HowlandCity Council
11/08/2005ME Carol SchillerCity Council
11/08/2005ME Dorothy LaFortuneCity Council
11/08/2005MIElected Rob CedarCity Council
11/08/2005MIElected Don CooneyCity Commission
11/08/2005MIElected Scott KleinCity Council
11/08/2005MIElected Karen MajewskiMayor
11/08/2005MI Lisa WeltmanSchool Board
11/08/2005MN Dave BergerBoard of Estimation and Taxation
11/08/2005MN Dave BickingCity Council
11/08/2005MNElected Cam GordonCity Council
11/08/2005MN Natalie Johnson LeeCity Council
11/08/2005MN Aaron NeuwmannCity Council
11/08/2005MN Ann ThomasCity Council
11/08/2005MNElected Annie YoungPark and Recreation Board
11/08/2005MN Dean ZimmermannCity Council
11/08/2005NJ Thomas AulettaGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Richard GiovanoniGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Mike HallGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Bessie HalseyGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Mark HeacockGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Stewart KautschGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Natalie KochlarBorough Council
11/08/2005NJ Irwin NackFreeholder
11/08/2005NJ Ann NapolitanoGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Gary NovosielskiBorough Council
11/08/2005NJ Greg OrrGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Michael SpectorMayor
11/08/2005NJ Judith StantonGeneral Assembly
11/08/2005NJ Matthew ThiekeGovernor
11/08/2005NJ Brian UngerFreeholder
11/08/2005NJ Charles WoodrowFreeholder
11/08/2005NY Fed BaysCounty Legislature
11/08/2005NY Gary BonaparteCommon Council
11/08/2005NY Aleese CodyCounty Legislature
11/08/2005NY Pete CodyCounty Legislature
11/08/2005NY Joseph DuffyMayor
11/08/2005NY Judith EinachMayor
11/08/2005NY Cosmo Fanizzi IIICounty Legislature
11/08/2005NY Alice GreenMayor
11/08/2005NY Anthony GronowiczMayor
11/08/2005NY Howie HawkinsMayor
11/08/2005NY Laura HeadyCounty Legislature
11/08/2005NY Chris HilderbrantCounty Legislature
11/08/2005NY Gerald KannCity Council
11/08/2005NY David LintonCounty Legislature
11/08/2005NY Jenny LoebCounty Legislature
11/08/2005NYElected Mary Jo LongTown Council
11/08/2005NY David LussierCommon Council
11/08/2005NY Will MaksutaTown Clerk
11/08/2005NY Gloria MatteraBorough President
11/08/2005NY Darrin RobbinsCity Council
11/08/2005NY Kathy SchlidtTown Board
11/08/2005NYElected Mike SellersMayor
11/08/2005NY Robyn SklarCity Council
11/08/2005NY Dan SpilmanTown Council
11/08/2005NY Russell ZiembaCounty Legislature
11/08/2005OH David BallCity Council
11/08/2005OHElected Dennis SpisakBoard of Education
11/08/2005PA Guy AnthonyMayor
11/08/2005PAElected Mathew AshMayor
11/08/2005PA Merritt BaileySchool District Board of Directors
11/08/2005PAElected Steve BakerInspector of Elections
11/08/2005PA Danelle BowersSchool District Board of Directors
11/08/2005PAElected Shawnya CalpInspector of Elections
11/08/2005PA Wanda DavilaCity Council
11/08/2005PA Charles Michael FarleyInspector of Elections
11/08/2005PA Mario FiorucciMayor
11/08/2005PA Andrea JeffersonCity Council
11/08/2005PAElected Robert KlunckBorough Council
11/08/2005PA Sam KrakowSchool District Board of Directors
11/08/2005PAElected Derf MaitlandCity Auditor
11/08/2005PAElected Mike ManglesInspector of Elections
11/08/2005PA Thom MartiTownship Board of Supervisors
11/08/2005PA Lawrence MaxtedSchool District Board of Directors
11/08/2005PAElected Andrew McDowellJudge of Elections
11/08/2005PA Michael MorrillBorough Council
11/08/2005PA Titus NorthMayor
11/08/2005PA Jennaro PullanoCity Council
11/08/2005PAElected Marty QuallyBorough Council
11/08/2005PAElected Brenda Jo SamrykInspector of Elections
11/08/2005PA Mary Gay ScallionSchool District Board of Directors
11/08/2005PA Jake SchindelBorough Council
11/08/2005PA Phil SchindelTownship Board of Supervisors
11/08/2005PA Bob SmallJudge of Elections
11/08/2005PA Lynn SmallwoodBorough Council
11/08/2005PA Courtney WegeSchool District Board of Directors
11/08/2005PAElected Diane WhiteInspector of Elections
11/08/2005PAElected Diane WhiteJudge of Elections
11/08/2005PAElected Leif WinterAuditor
11/08/2005PA Eric WolfeCity Council
11/08/2005TX Dennis CarterCity Council
11/08/2005WA Stonewall Jackson BirdCity Council
11/08/2005WA Gentry LangeCounty Executive
11/08/2005WA Steve LudwigCounty Commissioner
11/08/2005WAElected Joe MarinoCemetery District
11/01/2005COElected Thom CarnevaleTown Moderator
11/01/2005COElected Charlie GreenSchool Board
11/01/2005FL Patrick JonesCity Commission
10/01/2005CAElected Deacon AlexanderNeighborhood Council
09/27/2005MA Dan KontoffCity Council
09/20/2005WA Dave EwoldtCounty Council
09/13/2005MN Reggie BirtsCity Council
09/13/2005MN Elizabeth DickinsonMayor
09/13/2005MN Farheen HakeemMayor
09/13/2005MN Ian StadeLibrary Board
09/13/2005MT William NigroCity Council
09/13/2005OH Mitch BalonekCity Council
09/13/2005PA Marlene SantoyoState House of Representatives
09/05/2005WA Angel BolanosCity Council
09/05/2005WA Alan LloydSchool Board
07/19/2005PA Walter ScheirerState House of Representatives
05/17/2005CA Aimee AllisonCity Council
05/17/2005ORElected Ruth AlexanderSchool Board
05/17/2005ORElected Matt DonohueSchool Board
05/17/2005ORElected Mat MarrSchool Board
05/17/2005OR Lisa MelyanWater Board
05/17/2005OR Aria SeligmannSchool Board
05/17/2005ORElected John JonesFire Protection District
05/10/2005IL David WilcoxPark and Recreation Board
05/10/2005ME Lester TimofeevSelect Board
05/10/2005NJ Toy-Ling WashingtonCity Council
05/07/2005TX Bob BrewerCity Council
05/07/2005TXElected David LanmanMayor
04/19/2005NJElected Gary NovosielskiBoard of Education
04/05/2005IL David BlackCollege Board of Trustees
04/05/2005IL Charles HoweCity Council
04/05/2005IL E.G. HugesCity Council
04/05/2005IL Todd KuzmaMayor
04/05/2005ILElected Anna LempartSchool Board of Trustees
04/05/2005ILElected Scott SummersTown Assessor
04/05/2005ILElected Scott SummersCollege Board of Trustees
04/05/2005IL Alfred WiessCollege Board of Trustees
04/05/2005NE Mike FloydCity Council
04/05/2005WIElected Brian BenfordCommon Council
04/05/2005WIElected Pete KarasCommon Council
04/05/2005WIElected Austin KingCommon Council
04/05/2005WI Sarah KingCommon Council
04/05/2005WIElected Brenda KonkelCommon Council
04/05/2005WI Chris KratochwillCommon Council
04/05/2005WI Maud LaMarcheCommon Council
04/05/2005WI Lori NitzelCommon Council
04/05/2005WI Bob PoeschlCommon Council
04/05/2005WI Doug StingleCommon Council
04/05/2005WIElected JoEllen GramlingTown Clerk
03/29/2005MA Frank GattiSchool Committee
03/29/2005MAElected Frank GattiTown Meeting Member
03/29/2005MAElected Eleanor Manire-GattiTown Meeting Member
03/29/2005MAElected Vincent O’ConnorTown Meeting Member
03/29/2005MAElected Jill SteinTown Meeting Member
03/15/2005NYElected Steven KrulickVillage Board of Trustees
03/13/2005MEElected Jane MeisenbachSchool Board
03/08/2005CA Greg Allen (CA)City Council
03/08/2005CA Ted CrisellMayor
03/08/2005CA KCM CurryCity Council
03/08/2005CA Patrick DriscollU.S. House of Representatives
03/08/2005CA Victor GonzalezSchool Board
03/08/2005CA Felicia MollinedoCity Council
03/08/2005MA Dan KontoffState House of Representatives
03/07/2005ME Peter ColmanBoard of Selectmen
03/07/2005MEElected Robert LaVangieSchool Board
03/01/2005VT Owen MulliganInspector of Elections
02/24/2005NYElected Edgar RodriquezBoard of Education
02/24/2005NYElected Rebecca RotzlerSchool Committee
02/15/2005WI Jenni RyanCommon Council