Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2009 Stats

155 Races in 2009

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
11/03/2009AZ Mary DeCampCity Council
11/03/2009CA Jeremy ClowardU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2009CAElected Joseph GauderCommunity Services District
11/03/2009CAElected Pam Hartwell-HerreroTown Council
11/03/2009CAElected James HarveyWater and Sanitary District
11/03/2009CAElected William LemosFire Protection District
11/03/2009CAElected Paul PerkovicWater and Sanitary District
11/03/2009CA Brian Lee RencherCity Council
11/03/2009CAElected Curtis RobinsonBoard of Education
11/03/2009CAElected Jason RothlanBoard of Education
11/03/2009CAElected Christopher SabecSchool District Board of Trustees
11/03/2009CAElected Dana SilvernaleSchool Board
11/03/2009CA Brian DonahueSchool Board
11/03/2009COElected Charlie GreenSchool Board
11/03/2009CO Brian HerzfeldCity Council
11/03/2009CO Tanya IshikawaCity Council
11/03/2009CT David BedellBoard of Representatives
11/03/2009CT David BedellConstable
11/03/2009CT Allan BrisonBoard of Alders
11/03/2009CT Megan CassanoBoard of Education
11/03/2009CT Jean de SmetMayor
11/03/2009CTElected Daphne DixonZoning Board of Appeals Alternate
11/03/2009CT Mary FarrellBoard of Representatives
11/03/2009CT Mary FarrellConstable
11/03/2009CT Thaddeus HanserBoard of Representatives
11/03/2009CTElected Estela LopezConstable
11/03/2009CTElected Hector LopezConstable
11/03/2009CT Rolf MaurerConstable
11/03/2009CT Rolf MaurerMayor
11/03/2009CTElected John RussellCity Council
11/03/2009CTElected Leif SmithConstable
11/03/2009CTElected Cole StanglerConstable
11/03/2009CTElected Ronna StullerBoard of Education
11/03/2009FL Javier Del SolMayor
11/03/2009IAElected Raymond MeyerCity Council
11/03/2009MA J.D. HebertCity Council
11/03/2009MAElected Chuck TurnerCity Council
11/03/2009MDElected Christine NagleCity Council
11/03/2009MDElected Dan RobinsonTown Council
11/03/2009ME Jason BergquistTown Council
11/03/2009MEElected Kevin DonoghueCity Council
11/03/2009MEElected David MarshallCity Council
11/03/2009ME Oliver OuterbridgeWater District Board of Trustees
11/03/2009ME Anthony ZeliBoard of Education
11/03/2009MI Elena HerradaCharter Commission
11/03/2009MN Dave BickingCity Council
11/03/2009MN Jeanine EstimeCity Council
11/03/2009MN Andy ExleyCity Council
11/03/2009MNElected Cam GordonCity Council
11/03/2009MN Marcus HarcusCity Council
11/03/2009MNElected Annie YoungPark and Recreation Board
11/03/2009NJ Jason KoraljaBorough Council
11/03/2009NJ Steven WelzerGeneral Assembly
11/03/2009NY Evergreen ChouCity Council
11/03/2009NYElected Jennifer DotsonCommon Council
11/03/2009NY Joseph DuffyMayor
11/03/2009NY Jeff GreenTown Council
11/03/2009NY Howie HawkinsCommon Council
11/03/2009NYElected Mary Jo LongTown Council
11/03/2009NY Walter NestlerCity Council
11/03/2009NY David PechefskyCity Council
11/03/2009NY Darrin RobbinsCity Council
11/03/2009NY Lynne SerpeCity Council
11/03/2009NY Billy TalenMayor
11/03/2009NY Russell ZiembaCity Council
11/03/2009OH Anitra BrockmanCity Council
11/03/2009OH Jason HaapSchool Board
11/03/2009OHElected Dennis SpisakBoard of Education
11/03/2009OH Vaughn StullTownship Board of Trustees
11/03/2009PA Steve BakerCity Auditor
11/03/2009PA Martin BoksenbaumTownship Board of Supervisors
11/03/2009PA Juanita Carra-BudzekTownship Board of Supervisors
11/03/2009PAElected Charles Michael FarleyInspector of Elections
11/03/2009PA Edward Gately, Sr.City Auditor
11/03/2009PAElected Randi PetersAuditor
11/03/2009PAElected Randi PetersMinority Inspector of Elections
11/03/2009PAElected Bill SmedleyConstable
11/03/2009PAElected Jay SweeneyCity Auditor
11/03/2009PA Bert TaylorCounty Council
11/03/2009PAElected Stephen WeisserInspector of Elections
11/03/2009PAElected Frank Divonzo Jr.City Auditor
11/03/2009TX Don CookCity Council
11/03/2009TX Alfred MolisonCity Council
11/03/2009TX Deb ShaftoCity Council
11/03/2009VA John ReederCounty Board
11/03/2009VA Josh RuebnerState House of Delegates
11/03/2009WAElected Max ManiaCity Council
10/06/2009AKElected Mike MusickBorough Assembly
09/22/2009CA Michael McCueCity Council
09/08/2009IA David GrimesySchool Board
06/09/2009MAElected Nat FortuneSchool Committee
06/09/2009MAElected Joyce Palmer-FortuneSelect Board
06/09/2009MEElected Ben ChipmanCharter Commission
06/09/2009ME Daniel JenkinsCharter Commission
06/09/2009MEElected Anna TrevorrowCharter Commission
05/19/2009MD George GluckCounty Council
05/19/2009OR Susan AufderheideTransportation District
05/19/2009ORElected Matt DonohueSchool Board
05/19/2009ORElected John JonesFire Protection District
05/11/2009MA Lee Scott LaugenourSelectman
05/11/2009MAElected David SpanagelTown Moderator
05/05/2009NY Brittany TurnerVillage Board of Trustees
05/05/2009NY Jason WestVillage Board of Trustees
04/14/2009FL Michael CanneyCity Commission
04/07/2009COElected Pete GleichmanMayor
04/07/2009IL Steve AleschTownship Board of Trustees
04/07/2009ILElected Robert BraamLibrary Board
04/07/2009IL Paula BradshawCity Council
04/07/2009IL Jesus Correa VIIMayor
04/07/2009IL Val DensmoreTownship Clerk
04/07/2009IL Michael DrennanCity Council
04/07/2009IL Paul JasineviciusSchool Board
04/07/2009IL Paul JasineviciusHighway District
04/07/2009IL Paul JasineviciusVillage Board of Trustees
04/07/2009IL Bradley KairisTownship Board of Trustees
04/07/2009IL Dan KairisTownship Board of Supervisors
04/07/2009IL Durl KruseMayor
04/07/2009IL Mark MallonCity Council
04/07/2009IL Chris MeredithCity Council
04/07/2009ILElected Jon MurrayVillage Board of Trustees
04/07/2009IL Matt ReichelU.S. House of Representatives
04/07/2009IL Joshua RodgersMayor
04/07/2009ILElected Bruce SamuelsLibrary Board
04/07/2009IL Julie SamuelsVillage Board of Trustees
04/07/2009IL Julie SchlittTownship Board of Trustees
04/07/2009IL Dave SimoneVillage Board of Trustees
04/07/2009IL Gary StormCity Council
04/07/2009IL Dan ToddTownship Board of Trustees
04/07/2009IL Frank WedigTownship Board of Trustees
04/07/2009ILElected Kenneth WilliamsSchool Board
04/07/2009WIElected Peter BlewettSchool Board
04/07/2009WIElected JoEllen GramlingTown Clerk
04/07/2009WI Bruce HinkforthCommon Council
04/07/2009WI Pete KarasMayor
04/07/2009WI Brenda KonkelCommon Council
04/07/2009WIElected Tony PalmeriCommon Council
04/07/2009WIElected Bob PoeschlCommon Council
04/07/2009WIElected Marsha RummelCommon Council
04/07/2009WIElected Annie WoodwardSchool Board
03/31/2009MAElected Miriam DaytonTown Meeting Member
03/31/2009MAElected Frank GattiTown Meeting Member
03/31/2009MA Eleanor Manire-GattiTown Meeting Member
03/18/2009NYElected Jim SullivanMayor
03/03/2009IL Alan AugustsonU.S. House of Representatives
03/03/2009IL Mark Arnold FredricksonU.S. House of Representatives
03/03/2009IL Deb GordilsU.S. House of Representatives
03/03/2009IL Simon RibeiroU.S. House of Representatives
03/03/2009VT Steve EkbergCity Council
03/03/2009VT Gregory KnopsCity Council
03/03/2009VT Jerri KohlCity Council
03/03/2009VT Kim MasonCity Council
03/03/2009VT LisaAnn OberbrunnerCity Council
03/03/2009VT James SimpsonMayor
02/17/2009WI Katrina FloresCommon Council
02/17/2009WI Todd PriceState Superintendent of Schools