Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2020 Stats

244 Races in 2020

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
12/15/2020MEElected Jordan Barnett-ParkerSelectboard
12/15/2020MEElected Daniel MonahanSelectboard
11/03/2020AK Jed WhittakerU.S. Senate
11/03/2020AZ Haryaksha Gregor KnauerCounty Board of Supervisors
11/03/2020CA Jake TonkelCity Council
11/03/2020CA Margaret VillaState Assembly
11/03/2020CAElected Jane JarlsbergWater District Board of Directors
11/03/2020CA Aidan HillMayor
11/03/2020CA Paul PitinoCity Council
11/03/2020CAElected Emmanuel EstradaMayor
11/03/2020CA Nicole CastorCity Council
11/03/2020CAElected Randy MarxWater District Board of Directors
11/03/2020CAElected John Abraham *Abe* PowellFire Protection District
11/03/2020CA Steven BreedloveCity Council
11/03/2020CA Brandon JohnsonSchool District
11/03/2020CA Connor GormanCity Council
11/03/2020CA Mele K. LatuSchool District
11/03/2020CA Robin RoweSchool District
11/03/2020CAElected Michael Paul HansenCommunity Services District
11/03/2020CA Audra WaltonSchool District
11/03/2020CA Christopher MinsalSchool District
11/03/2020CAElected David GroverCity Council
11/03/2020CA Chris KrachaRecreation and Park District
11/03/2020CA Patrick MitchellCity Council
11/03/2020CAElected Sylvia R. ChavezCity Council
11/03/2020CA Thomas HartCity Council
11/03/2020CA Johannnes Markus LengerWater District Board of Directors
11/03/2020CA Ashley CavalliSchool Board
11/03/2020CAElected Sharron ParraCommunity Services District
11/03/2020CAElected Matthew ClarkCommunity Services District
11/03/2020CO Andrew O’ConnorState Senate
11/03/2020CO Sierra GarciaState House of Representatives
11/03/2020CO Duane StjernholmCity Council
11/03/2020CO Bruce LohmillerU.S. Senate
11/03/2020CT Tom McCormickU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020CT Cassandra MartineauU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020CT Justin PaglinoU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020CT Brian GayRegistrar of Voters
11/03/2020CT Don AlexanderState House of Representatives
11/03/2020CT David BedellState Senate
11/03/2020CT Paul GarlinghouseRegistrar of Voters
11/03/2020CT Enevia Baidoo-KeeneMayor
11/03/2020CT Mary L. SandersState Senate
11/03/2020CT John MayState House of Representatives
11/03/2020CT Keith FosterRegistrar of Voters
11/03/2020CT Matthew OakesState House of Representatives
11/03/2020CT Erycka OrtizState House of Representatives
11/03/2020CT Jean de SmetRegistrar of Voters
11/03/2020DC Perry ReddCity Council
11/03/2020DC Ann WilcoxCity Council
11/03/2020DC Natale ‘Lino’ StracuzziDelegate to U.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020DC Joyce Robinson-PaulUnited States Representative
11/03/2020DC Eleanor OryShadow U.S Senate
11/03/2020DC Peter BoltonCity Council
11/03/2020FL Kim O’ConnorU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020GA John FortuinU.S. Senate
11/03/2020GA Jimmy CooperU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020IL Rich WhitneyCounty Board
11/03/2020IL Rachel WalesWater Reclamation District
11/03/2020IL Tammie VinsonWater Reclamation District
11/03/2020IL Troy HernandezWater Reclamation District
11/03/2020IL Joshua HellmannCounty Board
11/03/2020IL David BlackU.S. Senate
11/03/2020IL Tom WildaU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020IL Chris KrugerState House of Representatives
11/03/2020IL Alia SarfrazState House of Representatives
11/03/2020IL Anna SchiefelbeinState House of Representatives
11/03/2020IL John KeatingState House of Representatives
11/03/2020IL Randy AuxierState House of Representatives
11/03/2020IL Jessica BradshawCounty Circuit Clerk
11/03/2020IL Charlie HoweCounty Board
11/03/2020IN Randy G. PaulCounty Commission
11/03/2020KY Ben PlumeSoil and Water Conservation District
11/03/2020LA William BoartfieldState Public Service Commission
11/03/2020LA Stewart ManyLightnings EastmanConstable Justice of the Peace
11/03/2020MA Charlene DiCalogeroState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MD George GluckU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020MD Franca Muller PazCity Council
11/03/2020ME Frederick HorchState House of Representatives
11/03/2020ME Michael BardenState House of Representatives
11/03/2020ME Benjamin MeiklejohnState House of Representatives
11/03/2020ME Carolyn SilviusState House of Representatives
11/03/2020ME John Henry BearState Senate
11/03/2020ME Jake KulawBoard of Education
11/03/2020ME Richard K. DuboisJudge of Probate
11/03/2020MEElected Jeremy PettyBoard of Selectmen
11/03/2020MEElected Christopher HendersonWater Board
11/03/2020MEElected Ross LawrenceCity Council
11/03/2020MI Marcia SquierU.S. Senate
11/03/2020MI Jean-Michel CreviereU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Amy SleprU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI John LawrenceU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI D. Etta WilcoxonU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Clyde K. ShabazzU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Anita BelleState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Sherry A. WellsState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Jeffery Jon Rubley IIState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI John Anthony La PietraState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Eugenio GutierrezState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Dalton McCuistonState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Marco BulnesState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Melissa Noelle LambertState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Rick SauermilchState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MI Tom MairState Board of Education
11/03/2020MI Michael MawilaiUniversity Board of Regents
11/03/2020MI Brandon HuUniversity Board of Trustees
11/03/2020MI Robin Lea LaurainUniversity Board of Trustees
11/03/2020MI Susan OdgersUniversity Board of Governors
11/03/2020MI Susan L. HubbardState Supreme Court
11/03/2020MI John EarlyTownship Board of Trusteese
11/03/2020MI Destiny ClaytonCounty Commissioner
11/03/2020MI Nicholas RowleyCounty Commissioner
11/03/2020MI Eric BorregardCounty Commissioner
11/03/2020MI Marissa PrizgintTownship Clerk
11/03/2020MI James Cole Jr.County Commissioner
11/03/2020MI Evelyn PridemoreTownship Clerk
11/03/2020MI Stephen BoyleState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MIElected Kade KatrakTownship Board of Trustees
11/03/2020MN Lisa Neal-DelgadoState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MN Toya WoodlandU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020MNElected Audrey ThayerCity Council
11/03/2020MO Vicke KeplingState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MO Paul LehmannSecretary of State
11/03/2020MO Kelley DragooLieutenant Governor
11/03/2020MO Jerome BauerGovernor
11/03/2020MO Daniel KaramState House of Representatives
11/03/2020MO Nathan KlineState Senate
11/03/2020MO Joseph CivettiniState Treasurer
11/03/2020MO Antwain WintersU.S House of Representatives
11/03/2020MO Betsey MitchellCounty Executive
11/03/2020NC Tamara ZwinakU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020NC Abbie (Bud) LaneState House of Representatives
11/03/2020NC Peter McClainCounty Register of Deeds
11/03/2020NC Matt TracyCity Council
11/03/2020NJ Madelyn HoffmanU.S. Senate
11/03/2020NJ Craig CayetanoTown Council
11/03/2020NJ Jessica ClaytonBoard of Education
11/03/2020NM Stephen A. VerchinskiState House of Representatives
11/03/2020NY Steven GreenfieldU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020NY Harry R. BurgerU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020NY Joseph NahamU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020NY Michael RaleighU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020NY Robert AlftState Senate
11/03/2020NY Carl LundgrenState Assembly
11/03/2020NY Barbara KidneyState Assembly
11/03/2020NY Anthony Baney State Assembly
11/03/2020NY Chris EdesCounty Legislature
11/03/2020NY Ericka JonesState Assembly
11/03/2020NY Scott HutchinsState Assembly
11/03/2020NY Barbara S. WagnerState Senate
11/03/2020NY Ruben Cartagena Jr.State Assembly
11/03/2020OR Michael BeilsteinCounty Commission
11/03/2020OR Nathalie ParaviciniSecretary of State
11/03/2020OR Ibrahim TaherU.S. Senate
11/03/2020OR Alex DiBlasiU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020OR Daniel HoffayU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020OR Tim DehneState House of Representatives
11/03/2020OR Alex PolikoffState House of Representatives
11/03/2020ORElected Josiah DeanCity Council
11/03/2020OR Shauleen HigginsState Senate
11/03/2020ORElected Michael ClarySoil and Water Conservation District
11/03/2020OR J Hallie RobertsCity Council
11/03/2020PA Richard L. WeissAttorney General
11/03/2020PA Timothy RunkleState Treasurer
11/03/2020PA Olivia FaisonState Auditor General
11/03/2020PA Jay Ting WalkerState House of Representatives
11/03/2020PA Michael Bagdes-CanningState House of Representatives
11/03/2020PA Garret WassermannState House of Representatives
11/03/2020PA Noel Antonio RiveraState House of Representatives
11/03/2020RI Kevin GilliganState Senate
11/03/2020SC Robbie BryantState House of Representatives
11/03/2020SC Javar JuarezCounty Council
11/03/2020TN Ronnie HenleyU.S. Senate
11/03/2020TN Josh BergerU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020TN John MigliettaU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020TX Hunter CrowCity Council
11/03/2020TX Brody Andrew MulliganState House
11/03/2020TX Antonio PadrónState House
11/03/2020TX Dan Frederick LyonState House of Representatives
11/03/2020TX Hal J. Ridley JrU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020TX Julián VillarrealState Senate
11/03/2020TX Tom WakelyU.S. House of Representatives
11/03/2020TX David CollinsU.S. Senate
11/03/2020TX katija grueneState Railroad Commission
11/03/2020UT Michael CundickCounty Mayor
11/03/2020VA Audrey ClementCounty Board
11/03/2020VA Kiesha Nicole PrestonCity Council
11/03/2020WV David TabbCounty Assessor
11/03/2020WV J. Steve HamiltonState House of Delegates
11/03/2020WV Robert SmithState House of Delegates
11/03/2020WV Mary KinnieState House of Delegates
11/03/2020WV Donald KinnieState Senate
11/03/2020WV Daniel LutzGovernor
11/03/2020WV Gregory LanceCounty Sheriff
11/02/2020MEElected Scott AverySelect Board
09/15/2020NY Fred BalzacVillage Board of Trustees
09/15/2020NYElected Jamie CooneyVillage Board of Trustees
09/12/2020MEElected John NeptuneTribal Council
08/25/2020AL Andy WoloszynMayor
08/25/2020AL Chikesia ClemonsCity Council
08/25/2020AL Christian RuckerMayor
08/11/2020MN Joshua ScheunemannCity Council
08/11/2020SC Eugene PlattState House of Representatives
08/04/2020AZ Mike CeaseCounty Superintendent of Schools
08/04/2020AZ William PetersonCounty Board of Supervisors
07/20/2020MEElected Genevieve BeckwithTax Collector
07/15/2020MEElected Stephanie HagenbuchSchool Board
07/14/2020MEElected Joseph YoungBoard of Selectman
07/14/2020ME John SafarikState House of Representatives
07/14/2020MEElected Jason DolloffSelectboard
07/14/2020MEElected Jeff ManterTown Council
07/14/2020MEElected Erin Libby LoikoSchool Board
07/01/2020MEElected Patricia PatnaudeSchool Board
06/23/2020NY Mike GammsU.S. House of Representatives
06/16/2020MAElected Sharon MossTown Meeting Member
06/16/2020MA Damon JespersenBoard of Selectman
06/09/2020MAElected Joyce-Palmer FortuneSelect Board
06/09/2020MAElected Nat FortuneTown Moderator
06/09/2020MEElected Bradley HutchingsRoad Commissioner
06/09/2020WVElected Daniel LutzConservation District
06/09/2020WVElected John W. FarrellConservation District
06/08/2020MEElected Patrick MilliganSchool Board
06/02/2020MEElected Nicole SpringerSchool Board
05/19/2020ORElected Matt DonohueCircuit Court Judge
05/19/2020VA Steffanie L. AubuchonMayor
04/16/2020AKElected Della CoburnTribal Council
04/07/2020WIElected Bob GiffordCounty Board of Supervisors
04/07/2020WI Adam KassulkeSchool Board
04/07/2020WI Michael WhiteCounty Board of Supervisors
03/21/2020MEElected Peter BaldwinCemetery Trust Fund Committee
03/16/2020MEElected Laurie MahanParks Commission
03/13/2020MEElected Ilene McKenneySelect Board
03/10/2020MEElected Erin EllisSchool Board
03/07/2020MEElected Wayne ‘Chip’ JohnsonSelectboard
03/03/2020CA Robin RoweCity Council
03/03/2020CA Rodolfo Cortes BarraganU.S. House of Represenatives
03/03/2020CA Chris RichardsonU.S. House of Representatives
03/03/2020CA Melissa BradleyU.S. House of Representatives
03/03/2020CA Michael Ernest KerrU.S. House of Represenatives
03/03/2020CA Julio Cesar FloresCity Council
03/03/2020CA Karen NyhusState Senate
03/03/2020CAElected Quincy McCourtCity Council
03/03/2020MEElected Jodi BrasslettSchool Board
02/29/2020MEElected Daniel FryeSelectboard