Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2004 Stats

436 Races in 2004

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
12/04/2004LA Adam WilsonState Senate
11/02/2004AK Timothy FellerU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004AK Jim SykesU.S. Senate
11/02/2004AR Bernard SullibanCity Council
11/02/2004AZ Claudia EllquistCounty Attorney
11/02/2004CA Jon (Stevens) MannCity Council
11/02/2004CA Ken AdamsBoard of Education
11/02/2004CA Greg Allen (CA)City Council
11/02/2004CA Chuck AndersonFire District
11/02/2004CA Leticia (Tish) AndersonCity Council
11/02/2004CA Ana AraizaCity Council
11/02/2004CA Terry BaumU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA Stuart BechmanU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA Jeff BenefielCity Council
11/02/2004CA Lucrecia BermudezCounty Board of Supervisors
11/02/2004CA Warner BloombergState Assembly
11/02/2004CA Tanya Boone-AlvaCity Council
11/02/2004CA Tod BrilliantCity Council
11/02/2004CA Phil Brock. Jr.City Council
11/02/2004CA Sean CarlCommunity College District Board of Trustees
11/02/2004CA Eric CarterU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CAElected Jeff ChapmanNeighborhood Council
11/02/2004CA John R. CrockfordState Assembly
11/02/2004CA Bruce DelgadoMayor
11/02/2004CAElected Melody DemerittCity Council
11/02/2004CAElected Lynda DeschambaultTown Council
11/02/2004CA DNACity Council
11/02/2004CA Patrick DriscollU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA John EarlCity Council
11/02/2004CA Pamela ElizondoU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA Michael FeinsteinCity Council
11/02/2004CA Lisa FeldsteinCounty Board of Supervisors
11/02/2004CA Jim FerrignoBoard of Education
11/02/2004CA Raymond Glock-GrueneichU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA Bob GragsonCity Council
11/02/2004CA Patricia GrayU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CAElected Harmony GrovesCity Council
11/02/2004CAElected Doug HammerstromCity Council
11/02/2004CA Thomas A. HutchingsState Assembly
11/02/2004CA Jane KimBoard of Education
11/02/2004CA Susan KingCounty Board of Supervisors
11/02/2004CA Philip KoebelU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA Thomas LashU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA Louis LingSchool Board
11/02/2004CAElected Craig LitwinCity Council
11/02/2004CA Jonathan LundellSchool Board
11/02/2004CAElected Holly MadrigalCity Council
11/02/2004CA Ryen Brook MadsenState Senate
11/02/2004CAElected Randy MarxWater District Board of Directors
11/02/2004CAElected Gayle McLaughlinCity Council
11/02/2004CA Craig MerrihueCity Council
11/02/2004CA John MerzCity Council
11/02/2004CAElected Ross MirkarimiCounty Board of Supervisors
11/02/2004CAElected Christine MulhollandCity Council
11/02/2004CA Larry R. MullenU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA Richard NunezHealthcare District
11/02/2004CA Rebecca OliverTransit Board
11/02/2004CA Orval OsborneCity Council
11/02/2004CA Bill PattersonCity Council
11/02/2004CA Jhym Fhyre PhoenixCity Council
11/02/2004CAElected Sam PierceCity Council
11/02/2004CAElected Paul PitinoCity Council
11/02/2004CA Adrienne PrinceState Assembly
11/02/2004CA Chuck ReutterSchool Board
11/02/2004CA Lawrence P. RockwoodU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CA Matt RoginaCity Council
11/02/2004CAElected Mark SanchezBoard of Education
11/02/2004CA Renee SaucedoCounty Board of Supervisors
11/02/2004CA Mark SawickiCity Council
11/02/2004CA Stephanie SchaafCity Council
11/02/2004CAElected John SelawskySchool Board
11/02/2004CA David Minton SilvaHealthcare District
11/02/2004CA David Minton SilvaVeterans Memorial District
11/02/2004CAElected Jeff SklarRent Control Board
11/02/2004CAElected Kaitlin Sopoci-BelknapWater Board
11/02/2004CA Jesse TownleyCity Council
11/02/2004CA Maureen VaughnSchool Board
11/02/2004CA Gary WaayersU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CAElected Karl WarkomskiCity Council
11/02/2004CA Annie Yang-McNallyWater District Board of Directors
11/02/2004CO Tom CastrignoCounty Commission
11/02/2004COElected Art GoodtimesCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004CO Tanya IshikawaCounty Commission
11/02/2004CO Bob KinseyU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CO Bruce MeyerState House of Representatives
11/02/2004CO Eric RechelCounty Commission
11/02/2004CT David AlbanoState Senate
11/02/2004CT John AmariliosState Senate
11/02/2004CT David BedellRegistrar of Voters
11/02/2004CT Colin BennettState Senate
11/02/2004CT Nancy BurtonState House of Representatives
11/02/2004CT Joyce ChenState House of Representatives
11/02/2004CT Mike DeRosaState Senate
11/02/2004CT Ralph FerrucciU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004CT Calvin NicholsonRegistrar of Voters
11/02/2004CT Thomas SevignyState Senate
11/02/2004DC Mai Abdul RahlanState Board of Education
11/02/2004DCElected Marc BorbelyAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/02/2004DCElected Renee BowserAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/02/2004DC Adam EidingerUnited States Representative
11/02/2004DCElected Wesley HickmanAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/02/2004DCElected Alexander HoganAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/02/2004DC Jay MarxCity Council
11/02/2004DCElected Nate MathewsAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/02/2004DC Joyce Robinson-PaulAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/02/2004DC Laurent RossCity Council
11/02/2004DC Michele Tingling-ClemmonsCity Council
11/02/2004DCElected Bryan WeaverAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/02/2004DE John AtkeisonCity Council
11/02/2004DE J. Roy CannonCounty Council
11/02/2004DE Vince SottileCounty Council
11/02/2004FL Henry LawrenceCounty Commissioner
11/02/2004FLElected Kim O’ConnorSoil and Water Conservation District
11/02/2004GA David ClarkState House of Representatives
11/02/2004HI Shaun StensholState Senate
11/02/2004IA Peter HartySoil and Water Conservation District
11/02/2004IAElected Cathy LivingstonSoil and Water Conservation District
11/02/2004IA Daryl NorthropU.S. Senate
11/02/2004IA Kevin OwensBoard of Supervisors
11/02/2004IAElected Raymond MeyerHospital Board of Trustees
11/02/2004ID Kevin BayhouseHighway District
11/02/2004ID Jon HowardSchool Board
11/02/2004IL Pat CoxCounty Attorney
11/02/2004IL Don CrawfordCounty Board of Supervisors
11/02/2004IL Phil HuckelberryState House of Representatives
11/02/2004IL Zach MillerCounty Board
11/02/2004IL Susan RodgersCounty Board
11/02/2004IL Julie SamuelsState House of Representatives
11/02/2004IL Ken UrbanCounty Board
11/02/2004IL Rich WhitneyState House of Representatives
11/02/2004IN Maureen BarlockTownship Board
11/02/2004MAElected George BryantCounty Assembly
11/02/2004MA Nat FortuneState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MA Rick GrabowskiState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MA Carolina JohnsonState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MA Jill SteinState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MA Rich ZitolaState Senate
11/02/2004MD Patsy AllenU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MD Maria AllwineU.S. Senate
11/02/2004MD Bob AuerbachU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MD Bill BarryCity Council
11/02/2004MD Matt ClarkCity Council
11/02/2004MD Paul DibosCity Council
11/02/2004MD Theresa DudleyU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MD Terrence FitzgeraldCity Council
11/02/2004MD Joan FloydCity Council
11/02/2004MD David GreeneCity Council
11/02/2004MD Greg HemingwayU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MD Myles HoenigCity Council
11/02/2004MD Virginia RodinoU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MD Glenn RossCity Council
11/02/2004MD Keith SalkowskiU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MD David StysleyBoad of Education
11/02/2004ME Marc BednerState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Nathan BrimmerState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Charles Hugh ChatfieldCity Council
11/02/2004ME Ben ChipmanState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Pamela Jean CraginState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Martin Dennis Jr.Water District Board of Trustees
11/02/2004MEElected John EderState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Michael HiltzState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Mark HortonState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MEElected Denis HowardCity Council
11/02/2004ME Wladislav David KubiakState Senate
11/02/2004ME David Margolis-PineoWater District Board of Trustees
11/02/2004ME Donald MasseState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MEElected Benjamin MeiklejohnBoard of Education
11/02/2004ME Matthew ReadingState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Patricia RyanState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME John SafarikState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Theresa SavageState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Tarik SivonenState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Jeffery SpencerState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MEElected Jason ToothakerBoard of Education
11/02/2004ME Elizabeth TriceState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Sarah Lorraine TrundyState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME John WeaverState Senate
11/02/2004ME Steven WestState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Philip WeyenbergState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ME Lynne WilliamsState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Keith AgdanowskiCity Council
11/02/2004MI JoAnne BeemonDrain Commissioner
11/02/2004MI Kathleen BlakleyCounty Clerk
11/02/2004MI Ellis BoalCounty Board of Elections
11/02/2004MI Ben BurgisUniversity Board of Trustees
11/02/2004MI Amber CareyDrain Commissioner
11/02/2004MI Lloyd ClarkeCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Nathaniel DamrenUniversity Board of Regents
11/02/2004MI Michael C. DavisCounty Clerk
11/02/2004MI Stephanie FrizzellSheriff
11/02/2004MI Jason GloverCollege Library Board of Trustees
11/02/2004MI Margaret GuttshallUniversity Board of Governors
11/02/2004MI Donnelly HaddenCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Joseph KingTownship Board of Trustees
11/02/2004MI Anthony KozubalCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Robbie KullState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Andrea LavigneState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Tom LavigneU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Randy MacPheeU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Mike MadiasState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Tom MairCounty Clerk
11/02/2004MI Ken MatheniaCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Roger McClaryState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Harley MikkelsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Rebekah MikkelsonState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MIElected Jim MorenoCity Commission
11/02/2004MI Edward MuellerTownship Board of Trustees
11/02/2004MI Arthur MyattCounty Executive
11/02/2004MI David NewlandU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Jessie Nichole OlsonCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Peter PonzettiBoard of Elementary and Secondary Education
11/02/2004MI Marc ReichardtCity Council
11/02/2004MI Kevin SawnickCity Commission
11/02/2004MI James L. SeagravesCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Jason SeagravesU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI Judy SeigneurTownship Board of Trustees
11/02/2004MI Jonathan ShaverCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Elliott SmithCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Lisa WeltmanU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MI James WilberCounty Clerk
11/02/2004MI Hillard WilliamsCounty Board of Commissioners
11/02/2004MI Rev. A.S. WrightCounty Sheriff
11/02/2004MI Kale SeagravesTownship Board of Supervisors
11/02/2004MN George BatemanState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MNElected Elaine FlemingMayor
11/02/2004MN James HammesState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MN Wade HannonState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MN Glenn KuehneState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MN Jay PondU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MN Van PresleyU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004MN Becki SmithState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MN Tom TaylorState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MN Roger WestallState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MO Charles CubaState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MO Donald E. De VivoSheriff
11/02/2004MO David HenryState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MO Lydia LewisState Senate
11/02/2004MO Willie MarshallPublic Administrator
11/02/2004MO David SladkyState Senate
11/02/2004MS Victor FleitasCounty Election Commission
11/02/2004MS Jan HillegasCounty Election Commission
11/02/2004MSElected John WagesCounty Election Commission
11/02/2004MT Christine FrazierState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MT Bob KelleherGovernor
11/02/2004MT Colleen Little ThunderLieutenant Governor
11/02/2004MT John McCrackenState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MT William NigroState House of Representatives
11/02/2004MT Paul StephensState House of Representatives
11/02/2004NE Roy GuisingerU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004NE Steve LarrickU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004NE Dante SalvatierraU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004NJ David AlcantaraU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004NJ Daryl BrooksU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004NJ Joseph FortunatoU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004NJ Mark HeacockBorough Council
11/02/2004NJ Stewart KautschBorough Council
11/02/2004NJ Gregory Lee LaneCounty Clerk
11/02/2004NJ Gary NovosielskiBorough Council
11/02/2004NJ Toy-Ling WashingtonU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004NM Steve CabiedesCounty Clerk
11/02/2004NM Herman MontoyaCounty Commission
11/02/2004NM Jeffrey ShannonDistrict Attorney
11/02/2004NM Dean WilliamsonCounty Surveyor
11/02/2004NV Paul JuntunenState Assembly
11/02/2004NY David AtiasSchool Board
11/02/2004NY Mark BorinoState Assembly
11/02/2004NY Evergreen ChouState Assembly
11/02/2004NY Mike EmperorState Senate
11/02/2004NY Dale GibbonsState Assembly
11/02/2004NY Howie HawkinsU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004NY Dave McReynoldsU.S. Senate
11/02/2004NY Susan MetzState Assembly
11/02/2004NY Rachel TreichlerState Assembly
11/02/2004NY Rebecca WhiteState Senate
11/02/2004NY Kimberly WilderState Senate
11/02/2004OH Chris GlassburnState House of Representatives
11/02/2004OH Logan MartinezState House of Representatives
11/02/2004OH Rick OttenState House of Representatives
11/02/2004OH Rich StevensonU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004OR Hosanna BroderickCounty Commission
11/02/2004OR Lori BurtonCounty Commission
11/02/2004ORElected Tim DehneSoil and Water Conservation District
11/02/2004OR Chuck FallState House of Representatives
11/02/2004OR Steve GeigerState House of Representatives
11/02/2004ORElected George GroschCity Council
11/02/2004ORElected Emily HagenCity Council
11/02/2004OR Teresa KeaneU.S. Senate
11/02/2004ORElected Alexander PattersonSoil and Water Conservation District
11/02/2004OR Monica SchreiberSoil and Water Conservation District
11/02/2004ORElected Wendy SiporenCity Council
11/02/2004OR Curt SommerState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Greta BrowneU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Scott BusslerState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Jim GoodleyState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Guy GrayState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA W. Robert HagenU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Stefan KosikowskiState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Vern MartenState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Thom MartiState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Jonah McAllister-EricksonState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Ben PriceState Auditor General
11/02/2004PA Marakay RogersAttorney General
11/02/2004PA Susan SaviaState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Dorothy SchieberU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Patrick St. JohnState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Charles SteelU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Jay SweeneyState House of Representatives
11/02/2004PA Paul TeeseState Treasurer
11/02/2004RI Joseph E. BroderickCity Council
11/02/2004RI Edward Larry KernState House of Representatives
11/02/2004RI Stephen James LaMarreMayor
11/02/2004RI Brian ReynoldsState House of Representatives
11/02/2004RI Jeff TosteState Senate
11/02/2004SC Jim DunnU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004SC Christopher GibbsState House of Representatives
11/02/2004SC Leslie MinerdSoil and Water Conservation District
11/02/2004SC Efia NwangazaU.S. Senate
11/02/2004SC Ken StyerState House of Representatives
11/02/2004SC C. Faye WaltersU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004TX Charlie MauchState Railroad Commission
11/02/2004UT Patrick DiehlU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004UT Tom KingState House of Representatives
11/02/2004UT Rich PetersonState House of Representatives
11/02/2004UT John WeisheitState House of Representatives
11/02/2004UT Victoria WoodardState House of Representatives
11/02/2004VT Craig ChevrierJustice of the Peace
11/02/2004VT Benjamin ClarkeState Senate
11/02/2004VT Greg DelantyHigh Bailiff
11/02/2004VT Craig HillU.S. Senate
11/02/2004VT James Marc LeasAttorney General
11/02/2004VT Owen MulliganJustice of the Peace
11/02/2004VT Jay VosJustice of the Peace
11/02/2004WA Bern HaggertyLieutenant Governor
11/02/2004WA Joyce HarrellFreeholder
11/02/2004WA Chris LaRocheState House of Representatives
11/02/2004WA Robert LoseyU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004WAElected Steve LudwigFreeholder
11/02/2004WA Tom MunseyFreeholder
11/02/2004WA Wilma MunseyFreeholder
11/02/2004WA Tom OdegardFreeholder
11/02/2004WA Howard PelletCounty Commission
11/02/2004WA Paul RichlondAttorney General
11/02/2004WA Ben WhiteCounty Commissioner
11/02/2004WA Tim WhiteFreeholder
11/02/2004WA Mark WilsonU.S. Senate
11/02/2004WI Bruce HinkforthState Assembly
11/02/2004WI Damien JonesState Assembly
11/02/2004WI Mike MilesU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004WI Tony PalmeriState Assembly
11/02/2004WI Bill PerronCounty Treasurer
11/02/2004WI Brian PrukaCounty Clerk
11/02/2004WI Steve RingwoodCounty Treasurer
11/02/2004WI Carol Ann RittenhouseU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004WI Tony SchultzState Senate
11/02/2004WI Sally A. StixDistrict Attorney
11/02/2004WV Jesse JohnsonGovernor
11/02/2004WV John M. WillamsState Senate
11/02/2004WV Julian MartinU.S. House of Representatives
11/02/2004WY Amy MoonCity Council
10/30/2004CA Deacon AlexanderNeighborhood Council
10/17/2004CAElected Sergio MonteiroNeighborhood Council
10/16/2004CAElected Ken WeinerNeighborhood Council
09/18/2004HIElected Bob JacobsonCounty Council
09/14/2004MA Ebony BarkleyState House of Representatives
09/14/2004MN Audrey ThayerCity Council
09/14/2004RI Tim RossanoMayor
08/05/2004TN Martin PleasantCounty Commissioner
06/27/2004CAElected Sheila BernardNeighborhood Council
06/27/2004CA John RaphlingNeighborhood Council
06/27/2004CAElected Emily WintersNeighborhood Council
06/27/2004CA Will YeagerNeighborhood Council
06/14/2004MIElected David NewlandSchool Board
06/14/2004MI Carl WilliamsCommunity College District
06/08/2004ME Elke RosenbergState House of Representatives
06/01/2004NM Joe NiesleyState Senate
05/18/2004NYElected Rome CelliBoard of Education
05/18/2004OR Joy KentPublic Power District
05/18/2004OR Mark LakemanCity Council
05/18/2004OR Lloyd MarbetPublic Power District
05/18/2004OR James PoseyMayor
05/18/2004ORElected Curt SommerPublic Power District
05/18/2004OR Brad TaylorMayor
05/11/2004NJ Cedric HunterTown Council
05/04/2004VAElected Don LangrehrTown Council
04/27/2004NY Peter LaveniaCounty Legislature
04/15/2004AKElected Della CoburnTribal Council
04/13/2004MAElected Howard HaywardWater Board of Health
04/11/2004CAElected Harold BockNeighborhood Council
04/06/2004COElected Jeffrey BergeronTown Council
04/06/2004MAElected David DionneSelectman
04/06/2004MAElected Bill O’NeilTown Meeting Member
04/06/2004WI Jeanne BehrendCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected Robert BrowneCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WI Bruce T. CiskieCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected David ConleyCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WI Steve CowanCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected Taniya FatticciCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected John HardinCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected Larry HardingTownship Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected David MachotkaCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected Kathryn McKenzieCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WI Bob NemanichSchool Board
04/06/2004WIElected Phillip PetersonCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected Kyle RichlondCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected Kevin RuehlCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WI Charles SchudsonCounty Court of Appeals
04/06/2004WI Gerry SteltenpohlCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WIElected Robert StockingerVillage Board of Trustees
04/06/2004WIElected Scott TiceSchool Board
04/06/2004WIElected Shwaw VangSchool Board
04/06/2004WIElected Echnaton VedderCounty Board of Supervisors
04/06/2004WI Annie WoodwardCounty Board of Supervisors
03/30/2004MAElected Robert CrownerTown Meeting Member
03/30/2004MAElected Tom FlittieSchool Committee
03/30/2004MA Frank GattiTown Meeting Member
03/30/2004MAElected Steven GrossTown Meeting Member
03/30/2004MA Eleanor Manire-GattiTown Meeting Member
03/16/2004NYElected Steven KrulickVillage Board of Trustees
03/06/2004MEElected Charlie WigginsSelectman
03/02/2004CA Cora Marie BakerCity Council
03/02/2004CA Michael HarringtonCity Council
03/02/2004CA Barry HermansonU.S. House of Representatives
03/02/2004CA Tod LandisCounty Board of Supervisors
03/02/2004CA Bill MeyersU.S. House of Representatives
03/02/2004NMElected Fran GallegosMunicipal Judge
02/17/2004FL Dan McCreaCity Commission
02/17/2004WI Gary GronquistBoard of Education
02/17/2004WI Damien JonesCommon Council
02/17/2004WI Joe KleinCounty Executive
02/17/2004WI Eric KrszjzaniekSchool Board
02/17/2004WI Robert MirandaCommon Council
02/17/2004WI Jeff SchimpffCounty Board of Supervisors
02/17/2004WI Doug StingleCounty Board of Supervisors
02/17/2004WI Leon ToddMayor
02/03/2004ME Dorothy LaFortuneState House of Representatives
01/27/2004WI Wendell HarrisState Assembly