Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2016 Stats

325 Races in 2016

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
11/08/2016ARElected Sarah MarshCity Council
11/08/2016AZ Beryl BakerConstable Justice
11/08/2016AZ Martin BastidasCounty Board of Supervisors
11/08/2016AZ Leo BiasiucciState House of Representatives
11/08/2016AZ Mike CeaseCounty Recorder
11/08/2016AZ Edward ‘Trey’ CizekState House of Representatives
11/08/2016AZ Haryaksha Gregor KnauerState House of Representatives
11/08/2016AZ Nancy Knox-BiermanJustice of the Peace
11/08/2016AZ Linda MaciasState House of Representatives
11/08/2016AZ Ray ParrishU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016AZ Joshua ReillyCounty Board of Supervisors
11/08/2016AZ Mark SalazarU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016AZ Gary SwingU.S. Senate
11/08/2016AZ Angel TorresState Senate
11/08/2016AZ Cara Nicole TrujilloState House of Representatives
11/08/2016AZ Cyndi TuellCounty Attorney
11/08/2016AZ Neil WestbrooksU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016AZ Cary DolegoU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016CA Jon (Stevens) MannCity Council
11/08/2016CA Alfonso AlmendarizCity Council
11/08/2016CAElected Jennifer BakerCollege Board of Trustees
11/08/2016CAElected Ruscal CayangyangBoard of Education
11/08/2016CAElected Matthew ClarkCommunity Services District
11/08/2016CA Ian DaelucianCity Council
11/08/2016CAElected Bruce DelgadoMayor
11/08/2016CA Bridget DuffyCity Council
11/08/2016CA Laura GonzalezGoverning Board Member
11/08/2016CA Rex GressettCity Council
11/08/2016CA Francisco HerreraCounty Board of Supervisors
11/08/2016CAElected Bastiaan HoeksCommunity Services District
11/08/2016CA Jane JarlsbergCity Council
11/08/2016CAElected Jason JonesGoverning Board Member
11/08/2016CA Bryan KretschPort District
11/08/2016CA Mercedes MaciasCity Council
11/08/2016CA Jordan MackCity Council
11/08/2016CA Don MacleaySchool Board
11/08/2016CA Jackie MartensonCity Council
11/08/2016CAElected Randy MarxWater District Board of Directors
11/08/2016CA Scott MenziesCity Council
11/08/2016CA Jesse OrnelasCity Council
11/08/2016CA Laura PetersIrrigation District Board
11/08/2016CAElected Kimberly Ann PetersenBoard of Education
11/08/2016CAElected Paul PitinoCity Council
11/08/2016CAElected John Abraham Abe PowellFire Protection District
11/08/2016CA Jane RandsCity Council
11/08/2016CA Brian Lee RencherCity Council
11/08/2016CAElected James RhodesBeach Recreation District
11/08/2016CA Brian RingCity Council
11/08/2016CA Valerie Rose-CampbellCity Council
11/08/2016CA Mende SmithCity Council
11/08/2016CA Susan SonneCity Council
11/08/2016CA Angel VanStarkCity Council
11/08/2016CA Jack WagnerCity Council
11/08/2016CA Howard WuCity Council
11/08/2016CAElected Gwyan RhabytSchool Board of Trustees
11/08/2016CO Jenice DoveState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CO Arn MenconiU.S. Senate
11/08/2016CO Robert Lee WortheyState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Eumir Antonio AbelaBoard of Education
11/08/2016CTElected John AmariliosRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2016CT Ian BarronState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Barbara BarryState Senate
11/08/2016CT David BedellState Senate
11/08/2016CT Colin BennettState Senate
11/08/2016CTElected Colin BennettRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2016CT Angela CapineraState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Cynthia DayState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Mike DeRosaU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Edward HeflinState Senate
11/08/2016CT Martha KellyState Senate
11/08/2016CT Martha KellyState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Hector LopezState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Rolf MaurerRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2016CT Brian MerlenState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Stephen MillerRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2016CT Dagmar NollRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2016CT Jonathan PeltoU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Jeff RussellU.S. Senate
11/08/2016CT Cora SantaguidaState Senate
11/08/2016CT Lauren ShawState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Ronna StullerState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Bonnie TroyState House of Representatives
11/08/2016CT Matt WentState House of Representatives
11/08/2016DC G. Lee AikinCity Council
11/08/2016DC Perry ReddAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/08/2016DC Natale ‘Lino’ StracuzziDelegate to U.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016DE Bernard AugustState House of Representatives
11/08/2016DE David ChandlerState Senate
11/08/2016DE Alexander DurnanCounty Council
11/08/2016DE Andrew GroffGovernor
11/08/2016DE Ruth Ann JamesState House of Representatives
11/08/2016DE David McCorquodaleState House of Representatives
11/08/2016DE Mark PerriU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016FL Oliver KofoidMosquito Control Board
11/08/2016FLElected Kim O’ConnorSoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2016HI Nick NikhilanandaState House of Representatives
11/08/2016HI Kealoha PisciottaState Senate
11/08/2016IL Christopher AnthonyWater Reclamation District
11/08/2016IL Randy AuxierCounty Board
11/08/2016IL Paula BradshawU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016IL Tim CurtinState Comptroller
11/08/2016IL Charles HoweCounty Board
11/08/2016IL George MilkowskiWater Reclamation District
11/08/2016IL Karen RoothaanWater Reclamation District
11/08/2016IL Rob ShermanU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016IL Michael SmithWater Reclamation District
11/08/2016IL Scott SummersU.S. Senate
11/08/2016IL Rich WhitneyCounty Board
11/08/2016KY Don EllisState House of Representatives
11/08/2016LA Eliot BarronU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016LAElected Chad Franklin SpringerTown Council
11/08/2016MA Charlene DiCalogeroState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MA Daniel FactorState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MD Kamesha ClarkU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MD Nnabu EzeU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MD Margaret FlowersU.S. Senate
11/08/2016MD Jamie FriersonCity Council
11/08/2016MD George GluckU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MD Joshua HarrisMayor
11/08/2016MD Myles HoenigU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MD Amanda MaminskiCity Council
11/08/2016MD Connor MeekCity Council
11/08/2016MD Ian SchlakmanCity Council
11/08/2016MD Anthony ‘Spilly’ SpiiadisCity Council
11/08/2016MD Nancy WallaceU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MD Richard T. WhiteCity Council
11/08/2016ME Seth BakerState Senate
11/08/2016MEElected Anna TrevorrowBoard of Education
11/08/2016MI Michael AndersonState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Veda BellaCounty Board of Commissioners
11/08/2016MIElected Korine BlyveisTownship Clerk
11/08/2016MI Ellis BoalU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Celeste BondieCounty Board of Commissioners
11/08/2016MI Eric BorregardState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Matthew A. BradyU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Deena Marie BruderickState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Dylan CalewartsU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MIElected Stuart CollisPark Commission
11/08/2016MI Dan FinnState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Maria GreenU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Derek GrigsbyState Board of Education
11/08/2016MI Margaret GuttshallUniversity Board of Governors
11/08/2016MI John Anthony La PietraState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Artelia Marie LeakState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MIElected Tom MairCounty Board of Commissioners
11/08/2016MI John McDermottU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MIElected Shauna McNallyPark Commission
11/08/2016MI Harley MikkelsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Benjamin NofsU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Latham ReddingUniversity Board of Regents
11/08/2016MI Wade RobertsState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Jordan SalviU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Fran ShorUniversity Board of Governors
11/08/2016MI Eric SiegelCommunity College District
11/08/2016MI Marcia SquierU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MI Joseph StevensState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MIElected Jesse TorresParks and Recreation Board
11/08/2016MI Wayne VermilyaCounty Board of Commissioners
11/08/2016MI Sherry A. WellsState Board of Education
11/08/2016MI Will Tyler WhiteUniversity Board of Trustees
11/08/2016MI Cliff YankovichState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MN Gabe BarnettState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MN Dennis BarsnessState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MNElected Lena BuggsSoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2016MN Ianni HoumasSoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2016MN AJ JanssenCity Council
11/08/2016MNElected Steve LaitinenSoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2016MNElected Sharon LeMaySoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2016MN Doug MannBoard of Education
11/08/2016MN Wayne PaulukCounty Commissioner
11/08/2016MN Mel ThoresenSoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2016MN Janice WardSoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2016MO David ArnoldU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MO Jerome BauerCity Treasurer
11/08/2016MO Robert DebbautState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MO Mike DielU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016MO Valorie EngholmState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MO Teressa EzellState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MO Don FitzGovernor
11/08/2016MO Tim HammackState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MO Carol HexemState Treasurer
11/08/2016MO Jennifer LeachLieutenant Governor
11/08/2016MO Stacy LindgrenCounty Executive
11/08/2016MO Jonathan McFarlandU.S. Senate
11/08/2016MO Ellen SkiljanState House of Representatives
11/08/2016MO Edward WeisslerState Senate
11/08/2016NJ Gary FrazierCity Council
11/08/2016NJ Erika JachoBoard of Education
11/08/2016NJ Rajit MalliahU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016NJ Steven WelzerU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016NY Deyva ArthurState Senate
11/08/2016NY Henry (Hank) BardelU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016NY Robin BarkenhagenState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Donal ButterfieldState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Manny CavacoState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Patrick DwyerState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Frank Sha FrancoisU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016NY Matt FunicielloU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016NY Laurence HirshCounty Legislature
11/08/2016NY Scott HutchinsState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Joseph LevyState Senate
11/08/2016NY Carl LundgrenState Senate
11/08/2016NY Joseph NahamState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Jeffery PeressState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Daniel Vila RiveraU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016NY Steve RuzbackiState Senate
11/08/2016NY Julia WillebrandState Senate
11/08/2016NY Robin Laverne WilsonU.S. Senate
11/08/2016NY Daniel ZugerState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Anthony BaneyState Assembly
11/08/2016NY Ruben Cartagena Jr.State Senate
11/08/2016NYElected Orion BarberCollege Board of Trustees
11/08/2016OH Joseph DeMareU.S. Senate
11/08/2016OH Bob FitrakisCounty Prosecutor
11/08/2016OH Constance Gadell-NewtonState House of Representatives
11/08/2016OH Joe ManchikU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016OH Derrick James HendricksU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016OR Michael BeilsteinU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016ORElected Josiah DeanCity Council
11/08/2016OR Tim DehneCounty Commission
11/08/2016OR Eric NavickasU.S. Senate
11/08/2016OR Alex PolikoffState House of Representatives
11/08/2016OR Joe RoweState House of Representatives
11/08/2016OR Marvin SandnesU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016OR Alan ZundelSecretary of State
11/08/2016PA Michael Bagdes-CanningState House of Representatives
11/08/2016PA Kristin CombsState Treasurer
11/08/2016PA Gabe LytleState House of Representatives
11/08/2016PA Jay SweeneyState Auditor General
11/08/2016PA Jay SweeneyState House of Representatives
11/08/2016SC Prince MalloryU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016SC Scott WestState Senate
11/08/2016SC Sue EdwardSchool Board
11/08/2016SC Michael StewartCounty School Board
11/08/2016SCElected Eugene PlattPublic Service District
11/08/2016TXElected George AltgeltCity Council
11/08/2016TX William BarrDistrict Judge
11/08/2016TX Paul BlairU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Michael CaryU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Jim ChisholmState Supreme Court
11/08/2016TX Travis ChristalState House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Joshua DarrU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Luis DeckerJustice of the Peace
11/08/2016TX Antonio DiazU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX James DorseyCounty Sheriff
11/08/2016TX Ashely ‘Flashed’ GordonCounty Commission
11/08/2016TX Mary GourdouxU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Adam Michael GreeleyState House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Brian HarrisonState House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Ona Marie HendricksCounty Commissioner
11/08/2016TX Diana KendallJustice of the Peace
11/08/2016TX Adam King Blackwell ReposaStatewide Court of Criminal Appeals
11/08/2016TX Thomas KlevinU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Mark LawsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Arturo Lim IICounty Sheriff
11/08/2016TX Kevin McCormickU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Joseph McElligottState House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Emmett MerwinState House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Rodolfo Rivera MunozState Supreme Court
11/08/2016TX Hugo Noyola JrState Board of Education
11/08/2016TX J.C. OsborneSheriff
11/08/2016TX James Partsch-GalvanU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Paul PipkinU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Thom PrenticeU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Scott PusichState Senate
11/08/2016TX Hal J. Ridley, JrU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Debbie RussellCounty Sheriff
11/08/2016TX Martina SalinasState Railroad Commission
11/08/2016TX Judith Sanders-CastroStatewide Court of Criminal Appeals
11/08/2016TX Santiago ‘Santi’ SantosCounty Commission
11/08/2016TX Darrel Smith JrU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Gary StuardU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Kat SwiftState House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Vanessa TijerinaU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX H.F. ‘Rusty’ TomlinsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Scott TrimbleU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2016TX Charles WaterburyState Supreme Court
11/08/2016VA Audrey ClementCounty Board
11/08/2016WV Alan BaloghState House of Delegates
11/08/2016WV Barbara DanielsState House of Delegates
11/08/2016WV Rodney T. HytonenState House of Delegates
11/08/2016WV Charlotte PrittGovernor
11/08/2016WV Chris ReedState House of Delegates
11/08/2016WV Elizabeth RhuleState House of Delegates
11/08/2016WV Michael SharleyAttorney General
11/08/2016WV Bruce Zeno BreuningerState Senate
11/02/2016IA Raymond MeyerCounty Board of Supervisors
10/04/2016AKElected Della CoburnCity Council
09/28/2016CAElected Sylvia ArredondoNeighborhood Council
09/13/2016RI David FisherCity Council
06/23/2016MEElected David VincentSelect Board
06/14/2016MEElected Danny JacksonSchool Board
06/14/2016MEElected Lindsey SavagePark Commission
06/14/2016ME Jonathan MorseSelect Board
06/14/2016WVElected Bob Henry BaberMayor
06/11/2016CAElected Ted HopeNeighborhood Council
06/07/2016CA Pamela ElizondoU.S. Senate
06/07/2016CA Richard GomezU.S. House of Representatives
06/07/2016CA Barry HermansonU.S. House of Representatives
06/07/2016CA Ron KaylorBoard of Supervisors
06/07/2016CA Christine MalanCounty Board of Supervisors
06/07/2016CA Phillip MurphyBoard of Supervisors
05/21/2016CAElected Jessica CeballosNeighborhood Council
05/21/2016CAElected Natalie FreidbergNeighborhood Council
05/21/2016CAElected William GreenfieldNeighborhood Council
05/21/2016CAElected Marisol SanchezNeighborhood Council
05/14/2016CAElected David RockelloNeighborhood Council
05/10/2016WVElected Daniel LutzConservation District
05/10/2016WVElected John W. FarrellConservation District
05/07/2016TXElected Debbie RussellSchool Board
05/03/2016MAElected M.K. MereliceTown Meeting Member
05/02/2016CAElected Danielle MeadNeighborhood Council
04/21/2016AKElected Della CoburnTribal Council
04/09/2016CA Max WallerNeighborhood Council
04/07/2016CAElected Robyn SumnersNeighborhood Council
04/05/2016WIElected David ConleyCounty Board of Supervisors
04/05/2016WI Rob Dz FranklinCounty Board of Supervisors
04/05/2016WIElected Bob GiffordCounty Board of Supervisors
04/05/2016WI Angelito TenorioCounty Board of Supervisors
04/05/2016WIElected Heidi WegleitnerCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2016CAElected Amelia AndersonNeighborhood Council
03/29/2016MA Vincent O’ConnorSchool Committee
03/11/2016MEElected Gilbert HarrisBudget Committee
03/05/2016MEElected Deron WhittemoreSchool Committee
03/05/2016MEElected Casey CoteSchool Board