Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2003 Stats

279 Races in 2003

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
12/09/2003CA Matt GonzalezMayor
11/04/2003CAElected Sara BasslerCommunity Council
11/04/2003CAElected Larry BragmanTown Council
11/04/2003CA Robert CawleyCity Council
11/04/2003CAElected Matthew ClarkSanitary District Board
11/04/2003CA James GeraghtyCommunity College District
11/04/2003CA Bob HansenCity Council
11/04/2003CAElected Rodney JonesSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2003CA Eva LettneckerSchool Board
11/04/2003CA James MarshWater District Board of Directors
11/04/2003CAElected Bill MeyersSchool Board
11/04/2003CA Susan NashCity Council
11/04/2003CA Brian Lee RencherCity Council
11/04/2003CA Chuck ReutterCommunity College District
11/04/2003CAElected Lew TremaineTown Council
11/04/2003CT John AmariliosFirst Selectman
11/04/2003CT Colin BennettBoard of Education
11/04/2003CTElected Joyce ChenBoard of Alders
11/04/2003CT Jean de SmetFirst Selectman
11/04/2003CT Andy DerrCity Council
11/04/2003CT Vic EdgertonBoard of Alders
11/04/2003CT Kenric HansonBoard of Education
11/04/2003CT Allen (Kim) HerkimerPark and Recreation Board
11/04/2003CT Matt HoegemannBoard of Education
11/04/2003CTElected Elizabeth Horton SheffCity Council
11/04/2003CT Brooks KellyBoard of Education
11/04/2003CTElected Ken KeskinenSelectman
11/04/2003CT Earl LeightonTown Council
11/04/2003CTElected Juan PerezSelectman
11/04/2003CT Charlie PillsburyBoard of Alders
11/04/2003CT Robert StullerCity Council
11/04/2003CT Amy Vas NunesBoard of Education
11/04/2003CT Michael WesterfieldBoard of Finance
11/04/2003GA Hugh EscoState House of Representatives
11/04/2003GA Reverend Zack LydeCity Commission
11/04/2003IA Matthew DennerCity Council
11/04/2003IAElected Tim HarthanCity Council
11/04/2003IAElected Eric KinmanCity Council
11/04/2003IA Steve WielandCity Council
11/04/2003ID Robert BlurtonCity Council
11/04/2003MA Owen BroadhurstCity Council
11/04/2003MA Michael CastronovaSchool Committee
11/04/2003MA Dan KontoffCity Council
11/04/2003MA Sharon NietscheCity Council
11/04/2003MA Aimee SmithCity Council
11/04/2003MAElected Chuck TurnerCity Council
11/04/2003MD Dan RobinsonCity Council
11/04/2003MEElected Erek GainesWater District Board of Trustees
11/04/2003ME Rob HoytCity Council
11/04/2003ME Dorothy LaFortuneCity Council
11/04/2003MEElected Stephen SpringBoard of Education
11/04/2003MEElected Elizabeth TriceCity Charter Commission
11/04/2003MI Adrianna BuonarrotiCity Council
11/04/2003MIElected Don CooneyCity Commission
11/04/2003MI Elizabeth ForestCity Commission
11/04/2003MI Rob HaugCity Council
11/04/2003MIElected David JuarezCity Commission
11/04/2003MI Roger McClaryLibrary Board
11/04/2003MI Scott TrudeauCity Council
11/04/2003MN Richard BroderickSchool Board
11/04/2003MN Peggy MarrinCity Council
11/04/2003MNElected Russ StewartCity Council
11/04/2003MS Sherman Lee DillonGovernor
11/04/2003NJ Matt AhearnGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Patricia AlessandriniGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Elizabeth ArnoneGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Thomas AulettaGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Barbara BriemerFreeholder
11/04/2003NJ Russell CullenGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ George DeCarloGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Marlene DembinCity Council
11/04/2003NJ Rosalie DonatelliGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Jaime DonnellyGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Paul ForsteFreeholder
11/04/2003NJ Robert (Gabe) GabrielskyState Senate
11/04/2003NJ Timothy A. Gaylord, Jr.General Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Josephine M. GiaimoGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Patrick GoldsmithTownship Committee
11/04/2003NJ Earl GrayState Senate
11/04/2003NJ Thomas R. GreggGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Mike HallGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Mark HeacockBorough Council
11/04/2003NJ Ray Higbee Jr.General Assembly
11/04/2003NJ David HochfelderGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Jane HunterGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Beresford JonesState Senate
11/04/2003NJ Kevin MaddenGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Carly R. MasseyFreeholder
11/04/2003NJ Carly R. MasseyGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Ken McGillTownship Committee
11/04/2003NJ Teresa Migliore-DiMatteoState Senate
11/04/2003NJ Peggy MurphyGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Irwin NackFreeholder
11/04/2003NJ Ruth B. NeustadterGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Martin NolanGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Eric OlsenState Senate
11/04/2003NJ Pamela OlsenGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Jonathan J. OrioleGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Greg OrrState Senate
11/04/2003NJ Philip PassantinoGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Jill PennGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Ryan Pesigan ReyesGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Harold RellinGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Maria M. RiosGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Scott SchusterCity Council
11/04/2003NJ Meredith SlotoroffGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Mary A. SnyderGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Lynn SurgallaGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NJ Steven SyrekMayor
11/04/2003NJ David ThompsonFreeholder
11/04/2003NJ Steven ThonusCounty Executive
11/04/2003NJ Brian UngerState Senate
11/04/2003NJ Toy-Ling WashingtonState Senate
11/04/2003NJ Charles WoodrowGeneral Assembly
11/04/2003NY David AtiasSchool Board
11/04/2003NY Robin BarkenhagenCounty Board of Supervisors
11/04/2003NY Jason CraneCity Council
11/04/2003NY Jim FarneyTown Council
11/04/2003NY Leslie FarneyTownship Board of Supervisors
11/04/2003NY Don FerrugiaTown Council
11/04/2003NY April GarlowTown Board
11/04/2003NY Paul GloverMayor
11/04/2003NY Manna Jo GreeneCounty Legislature
11/04/2003NY Steven GreenfieldCounty Legislature
11/04/2003NY R. Daniel HurwitzCommissioner of Public Safety
11/04/2003NY Gerald KannCity Council
11/04/2003NY Steven KrulickCounty Legislature
11/04/2003NY Jamie LevatoCounty Legislature
11/04/2003NY Gloria MatteraCity Council
11/04/2003NY Edwin PellMayor
11/04/2003NY Jeffery PeressCity Council
11/04/2003NY Samina QuraishiTown Clerk
11/04/2003NY Darrin RobbinsCity Council
11/04/2003NY Dan SearlesMayor
11/04/2003NY Barton SmithCommon Council
11/04/2003NY Barbara TrypalukCounty Board of Supervisors
11/04/2003OH Bob FitrakisBoard of Education
11/04/2003OH Julie GumermanCity Council
11/04/2003OH Alan ScanlonCity Council
11/04/2003OR Dave MazzaPublic Power District
11/04/2003OR Nancy NewellPublic Power District
11/04/2003OR Alexander PattersonPublic Power District
11/04/2003OR Fillard RhynePublic Power District
11/04/2003OR Myles TwetePublic Power District
11/04/2003PAElected Mary Lou AlsentzerCity Auditor
11/04/2003PA Richard AwaltTownship Board of Supervisors
11/04/2003PAElected David BrooksCity Auditor
11/04/2003PAElected Robert CoganBorough Council
11/04/2003PAElected Tom DavidockBorough Council
11/04/2003PAElected Frank Divonzo Jr.City Auditor
11/04/2003PA Chris FegleyCity Council
11/04/2003PAElected Edward Gately, Sr.City Auditor
11/04/2003PAElected Phil GettyCity Auditor
11/04/2003PA Greg GilliganSchool District Board of Directors
11/04/2003PA Brad HastingsSchool District Board of Directors
11/04/2003PA Marci HenziSchool District Board of Directors
11/04/2003PAElected Dean HornbergerCapital Auditor
11/04/2003PA Tom HuttCity Council
11/04/2003PAElected John IrwinCity Auditor
11/04/2003PA Curtis JeffersonSchool District Board of Directors
11/04/2003PA Scott KenderCounty Board of Commissioners
11/04/2003PAElected Mike KorsakCity Auditor
11/04/2003PA Mitchel J. LaabsMagisterial District Judge
11/04/2003PA Thom MartiTownship Board of Supervisors
11/04/2003PA Larry MeglatheryBorough Council
11/04/2003PAElected Kerry NeeBorough Council
11/04/2003PA Kayly NewcomerSchool District Board of Directors
11/04/2003PA Shane NovakTownship Board of Commissioners
11/04/2003PAElected Michael OMalleyBorough Council
11/04/2003PAElected Kurt Reichenbach IICity Auditor
11/04/2003PA Marakay RogersMagisterial District Judge
11/04/2003PAElected Catherine ScheibBorough Council
11/04/2003PA Jake SchindelBorough Council
11/04/2003PAElected Nick SeigertConstable
11/04/2003PAElected Nick SeigertConstable
11/04/2003PAElected Bill SmedleyConstable
11/04/2003PA Zachary SmithCity Auditor
11/04/2003PA Tim SoggsTownship Board of Supervisors
11/04/2003PA Jim SpakBorough Council
11/04/2003PAElected April SullivanCity Auditor
11/04/2003PA Judith SzelaTownship Board of Supervisors
11/04/2003PA Christopher TlapaSchool District Board of Directors
11/04/2003PA Heather UrkuskiCounty Board of Commissioners
11/04/2003PA Diane WhiteCity Treasurer
11/04/2003PAElected Mike ZowniriwTownship Board of Supervisors
11/04/2003TX Dennis CarterCity Council
11/04/2003VAElected Greg Allen (VA)Soil and Water Conservation District
11/04/2003VA Sharon R. BivensState House of Delegates
11/04/2003VAElected Phil HyreSoil and Water Conservation District
11/04/2003VA Eric SheffieldHouse of Delegates
11/04/2003VA Chris SimmonsSchool Board
11/04/2003WAElected Brita Butler-WallSchool Board of Directors
11/04/2003WA Clint CoppernollCity Council
11/04/2003WA Andrew CottonwoodCity Council
11/04/2003WAElected Steve HotchkissCity Council
11/04/2003WAElected Sally SorianoSchool Board of Directors
11/04/2003WA Bryan WeinsteinCity Council
11/04/2003WA Julie K. YoungCity Council
11/04/2003WAElected TJ JohnsonCity Council
10/28/2003NM Robert AndersonCity Council
10/07/2003CA Peter Miguel CamejoGovernor
10/07/2003CA Ivan Alexander HallGovernor
10/07/2003CA Maurice WalkerGovernor
10/07/2003CA Daniel T. WattsGovernor
10/07/2003NC Denny BestCity Council
10/04/2003LA Les EvenchickState House of Representatives
10/04/2003LA Jason NevilleState Senate
10/04/2003LA Dan ThompsonState House of Representatives
09/16/2003WA Diane BedwellCity Council
09/16/2003WA Christopher CainPort Commissioner
09/16/2003WA Sharon CrozierMayor
09/16/2003WA Brent McMillanPublic Development Authority
09/09/2003MN Elizabeth DickinsonCity Council
09/09/2003MN Garner MoffatCity Council
08/16/2003CAElected Deacon AlexanderNeighborhood Council
07/29/2003CAElected Sheila BernardNeighborhood Council
07/29/2003CAElected Sabrina VenskusNeighborhood Council
07/22/2003PA Larry SawdyState House of Representatives
07/22/2003WI Amy HeartState Assembly
06/10/2003MA Keith WrightTown Council
06/09/2003MIElected Melissa Hohausher-ThatcherSchool Board
06/03/2003CA George KranenCity Council
06/03/2003IDElected Selene HallSchool Board
05/27/2003IDElected Larry BaggettSchool Board
05/20/2003MAElected Nat FortuneSchool Committee
05/20/2003MA Martina RobinsonBoard of Selectman
05/20/2003MI Richard WunschState House of Representatives
05/20/2003OR Jon JacobSchool Board
05/20/2003OR Shantu ShahWater District Board of Commissioners
05/20/2003OR Trey SmithTransit Board
05/20/2003PA Nazeer ChaudhrySchool District Board of Directors
05/20/2003PA Kayly NewcomerSchool District Board of Directors
05/06/2003AK Della CoburnTribal Council
05/06/2003NYElected Rebecca RotzlerVillage Board of Trustees
05/06/2003NYElected Jason WestMayor
05/06/2003OH Bob FitrakisCity Council
05/05/2003MA Rich ZitolaCharter Commission
05/03/2003TX Jason LantzCity Council
05/03/2003TX Julia PenelopeU.S. House of Representatives
05/03/2003TX Ruben ReyesCity Council
04/29/2003FL Rob BrinkmanCity Commission
04/29/2003WI Jim CarpenterState Senate
04/29/2003WI Jo SeiserState Senate
04/08/2003MO Donald E. De VivoPresident of the Board of Alderman
04/08/2003MO Leon B. DerapsBoard of Alderman
04/08/2003WIElected JoEllen GramlingTown Clerk
04/03/2003MAElected Emily LewisTown Meeting Member
04/01/2003AK Soren WuerthService Area Board of Supervisors
04/01/2003IL Ken UrbanCity Council
04/01/2003MAElected Miriam DaytonTown Meeting Member
04/01/2003MAElected Tom FlittieTown Meeting Member
04/01/2003MA Frank GattiTown Meeting Member
04/01/2003WIElected Brian BenfordCommon Council
04/01/2003WI Larry HardingTown Chairperson
04/01/2003WI Amy HeartMayor
04/01/2003WI Michael HengelsCommon Council
04/01/2003WIElected Pete KarasCommon Council
04/01/2003WI Maureen KeyesSchool Board
04/01/2003WIElected Austin KingCommon Council
04/01/2003WIElected Brenda KonkelCommon Council
04/01/2003WI Bonni MillerCommon Council
04/01/2003WI Leon ToddSchool Board
03/18/2003PA Beth BonnerState House of Representatives
03/11/2003FLElected Nadine BurnsCity Council
03/04/2003CA Philip KoebelMayor
03/04/2003CA Derek MilosavljevicCity Council
03/04/2003CAElected Rocky NeptunPlanning Group
03/04/2003CA David SanchezCommunity College District Board of Trustees
03/04/2003CA Donna WarrenCommunity College District Board of Trustees
03/04/2003NMElected Gary ClaussCity Council
03/04/2003VTElected Benjamin ClarkeCity Council
03/04/2003VTElected Rob WilliamsSchool Board
02/25/2003IL Marc SansonCity Council
02/18/2003WI Jill BussiereSchool Board
02/18/2003WI Shahla WernerCommon Council
02/18/2003WI Bert ZippererMayor
02/11/2003MN Kathleen VadnaisState House of Representatives
02/01/2003CAElected Tom BolemaTown Council – Advisory
01/04/2003HI Nick NikhilanandaU.S. House of Representatives