Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2008 Stats

307 Races in 2008

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
12/06/2008LA Malik RahimU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008AR Brian BarnettState House of Representatives
11/04/2008AR Mary BoleyState House of Representatives
11/04/2008ARElected Richard CarrollState House of Representatives
11/04/2008AR Wainnette CopassJustice of the Peace
11/04/2008AR Wendy CrowState House of Representatives
11/04/2008AR Joshua DrakeU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008AR Conrad HarvinState House of Representatives
11/04/2008AR Rebekah KennedyU.S. Senate
11/04/2008AR Gene MasonState House of Representatives
11/04/2008AR Elizabeth McCoyCounty Recorder of Deeds
11/04/2008AR Deb McFarlandU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008AR Glen SchwarzCity Board of Directors
11/04/2008AR Richard SuitsJustice of the Peace
11/04/2008AR Bernard SullibanCity Council
11/04/2008AR Abel TomlinsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008AZ Celeste CastorenaState House of Representatives
11/04/2008AZ William CrumU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008AZ Rebecca DeWittU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008AZ Claudia EllquistCounty Attorney
11/04/2008AZ Kent SolbergState House of Representatives
11/04/2008CA Jon (Stevens) MannCity Council
11/04/2008CA Chuck AndersonFire District
11/04/2008CA Richard BoyleCommunity College District
11/04/2008CA Carol BrouilletU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CAElected Bruce DelgadoMayor
11/04/2008CAElected Robert DeutschHealthcare District
11/04/2008CA Pamela ElizondoU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CA Dave HellerU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CA Barry HermansonU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CAElected John HillstromPublic Utility District
11/04/2008CA Kahlil Jacobs-FantauzziMayor
11/04/2008CA Thomas LashU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CA Jack LindbladState Assembly
11/04/2008CAElected Holly MadrigalCity Council
11/04/2008CAElected Randy MarxWater District Board of Directors
11/04/2008CAElected Ross MirkarimiCounty Board of Supervisors
11/04/2008CA Peter MyersU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CA Robert (Bob) NanningaCity Council
11/04/2008CA Ivan OlsenMayor
11/04/2008CA Linda Piera-AvilaCity Council
11/04/2008CA Phil RockeyU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CA Mark SanchezCounty Board of Supervisors
11/04/2008CAElected John SelawskySchool Board
11/04/2008CAElected William SmallmanWater District Board of Directors
11/04/2008CAElected Kaitlin Sopoci-BelknapWater Board
11/04/2008CAElected Jesse TownleyRent Stabilization Board
11/04/2008CA Bruce WolfeCollege Board of Trustees
11/04/2008CA Carol WolmanU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CAElected Jane JarlsbergCity Council
11/04/2008CAElected Mike PerezBoard of Education
11/04/2008CO Joe CalhounU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CO Tony D’LalloState House of Representatives
11/04/2008COElected Art GoodtimesCounty Board of Commissioners
11/04/2008CO Bob KinseyU.S. Senate
11/04/2008CO Jerry LacyCounty Commission
11/04/2008CO Scott ZulaufCounty Commission
11/04/2008CT David BedellState House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT David BedellState Senate
11/04/2008CT David BedellRegistrar of Voters
11/04/2008CT Colin BennettState Senate
11/04/2008CT Keith BrooksRegistrar of Voters
11/04/2008CT Harold BurbankU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Zachary ChavesState Senate
11/04/2008CT Remy ChevalierState House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Mike DeRosaState Senate
11/04/2008CT G. Scott DeshefyU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Richard DuffeeState House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Richard DuffeeU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Mary FarrellBoard of Education
11/04/2008CT Ralph FerrucciU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Stephen FournierU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Kenric HansonState House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Charlie PillsburyRegistrar of Voters
11/04/2008CT German TedescoState House of Representatives
11/04/2008CT Brent YarnellState House of Representatives
11/04/2008DCElected Philip Blair, Jr.Advisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008DCElected David BossermanAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008DC Maude Louise HillsDelegate to U.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008DC Jerry MackAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008DCElected Chris OttenAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008DC Joyce Robinson-PaulAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008DC Joyce Robinson-PaulUnited States Representative
11/04/2008DC David SchwartzmanCity Council
11/04/2008DCElected Nancy ShiaAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008DCElected Carolyn SteptoeAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008DCElected Rick Tingling-ClemmonsAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008DC Keith WareU.S. Senate
11/04/2008DCElected Bryan WeaverAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/04/2008FL Ellen BrodskyCounty Board of Elections
11/04/2008FLElected Cara JenningsCity Commission
11/04/2008IA Wendy BarthU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IA Chris MoellerState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Jack AileyWater Reclamation District
11/04/2008IL Steve AleschU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Paloma AndradeCounty Circuit Clerk
11/04/2008IL Alan AugustsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL John BascoState Senate
11/04/2008IL John BeachamState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Heather BennoState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Rita BogolubWater Reclamation District
11/04/2008IL Nadine BoppWater Reclamation District
11/04/2008IL Antonne CoxCounty Board of Review
11/04/2008IL Don CrawfordCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Kathleen CummingsU.S. Senate
11/04/2008IL Troy DennisU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Tom DurkinState Senate
11/04/2008IL James DusingState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Bill EdgarCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Adrian FrostCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Joe FutrelleCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Terrence GilhoolyCounty Recorder of Deeds
11/04/2008IL Charles HoweState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Rodger JenningsU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Dan KairisState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Howard KaplanCounty Board of Review
11/04/2008IL Jeremy KarpenState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Vince LaMieCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Scott LawsonCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Mike LehlanCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Sandy LezonState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Omar LopezU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Rita ManiotisState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Ante MarijanState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Chris MeredithCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Thomas O’BrienStates Attorney
11/04/2008IL Kevin O’ConnorState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Walter PitucCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Jerome PohlenU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Tim QuirkState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Todd ReardonStates Attorney
11/04/2008IL Norman RoseSheriff
11/04/2008IL Sheldon SchaferU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Gerard SchlittState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Julie SchlittCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Morris ShanfieldU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Rob ShermanState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Doug SilberhornCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Michael SnowCounty Coroner
11/04/2008IL Alicia SnyderCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Dale StroughStates Attorney
11/04/2008IL Scott SummersU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Jason WallaceU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Frank WedigCounty Board
11/04/2008IL Dane WillmanState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Jennifer WittState House of Representatives
11/04/2008IL Gerry WoodsState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MA Steven BaerState Senate
11/04/2008MAElected George BryantCounty Assembly
11/04/2008MA Vladimir MoralesSelect Board
11/04/2008MD Gordon ClarkU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008ME Sandy AmbornState House of Representatives
11/04/2008ME Jason BergquistState Senate
11/04/2008ME Alan BrownCounty Treasurer
11/04/2008MEElected John EderCharter Commission
11/04/2008ME David FransState House of Representatives
11/04/2008ME Michael HiltzState House of Representatives
11/04/2008ME Daniel JenkinsState House of Representatives
11/04/2008ME William LinnellState Senate
11/04/2008ME Benjamin MeiklejohnWater District Board of Trustees
11/04/2008ME Benjamin MeiklejohnCharter Commission
11/04/2008ME Joshua MillerState House of Representatives
11/04/2008ME Tina SmithCity Council
11/04/2008ME Anna TrevorrowBoard of Education
11/04/2008ME Michael WakefieldState House of Representatives
11/04/2008ME Lisa Hazel WilleyState Senate
11/04/2008MI Matthew AbelCounty Prosecutor
11/04/2008MIElected Korine Elizabeth BachledaTownship Clerk
11/04/2008MI Shelly BaneState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Jody BeaubienState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Ellis BoalUniversity Board of Regents
11/04/2008MI Douglas CampbellU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Candace CavenyU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI George CorsettiU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Matt ErardState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Dianne FeeleyCounty Commission
11/04/2008MI Derek GrigsbyState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Margaret GuttshallUniversity Board of Governors
11/04/2008MI Franklin HardenState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Richard KuszmarState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI John Anthony La PietraCounty Clerk / Register
11/04/2008MI Tom MairCounty Board of Commissioners
11/04/2008MI Ken MatheniaU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Lynn MeadowsU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Harley MikkelsonU.S. Senate
11/04/2008MI Louis NovakCounty Commission
11/04/2008MI William OpalickyU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Edward PinkneyU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Dwain Reynolds IIIState Board of Education
11/04/2008MI Clyde K. ShabazzU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Erik ShelleyU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Aimee SmithU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Therese Marie StormUniversity Board of Trustees
11/04/2008MI Aaron StuttmanU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Jean Marie TreacyU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI Fred VitaleState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MI John WalkerTownship Supervisor
11/04/2008MI Stephen WeedCounty Board of Commissioners
11/04/2008MN Farheen HakeemState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MN Allan HancockState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MN Richard KlatteSoil and Water Conservation District
11/04/2008MN Colin LeeState House of Representatives
11/04/2008MN Katy WortelCounty Commissioner
11/04/2008MO Midge PottsU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008MS John WagesU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008NE Derek GlaserCounty Commission
11/04/2008NE Scott HoffmanCounty Commissioner
11/04/2008NE Susan KoneckCounty Commission
11/04/2008NE Steve LarrickU.S. Senate
11/04/2008NE Doug PatersonPublic Service Commission
11/04/2008NE LaVerne Thraen, Jr.Public Power District
11/04/2008NJ Patricia AlessandriniFreeholder
11/04/2008NJ Ed FanningU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008NJ Jason GroverU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008NJ Alvin MeyerFreeholder
11/04/2008NJ Matthew ThiekeU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008NJ Steven WelzerU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008NM Rick LassPublic Regulation Commissioner
11/04/2008NV Craig BerglandU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008NV Bob GiaquintaU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008NY Howie HawkinsU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008NY Brittany TurnerVillage Board of Trustees
11/04/2008OH Tim KettlerState Senate
11/04/2008OH Dennis SpisakU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008OR Michael BeilsteinU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008ORElected Michael BeilsteinCity Council
11/04/2008OR Walt BrownAttorney General
11/04/2008OR Chris ExtineState House of Representatives
11/04/2008ORElected Neil FriedmanMayor
11/04/2008OR Chris HenryU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008OR Michael MeoU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008OR Tristin MockU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008ORElected James NicitaCity Commission
11/04/2008OR Alex PolikoffU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008OR Seth WoolleySecretary of State
11/04/2008PA Guy GrayState House of Representatives
11/04/2008PA Liz HughesState House of Representatives
11/04/2008PA Jonah McAllister-EricksonState House of Representatives
11/04/2008PA Titus NorthU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008PA Jay SweeneyState House of Representatives
11/04/2008SCElected Eugene PlattPublic Service District
11/04/2008SC Bryan SmithCounty Council
11/04/2008SC C. Faye WaltersU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008TN Christina (Chris) LugoU.S. Senate
11/04/2008TN John MigliettaU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2008VA John ReederCounty Board
11/04/2008WAElected Dan AsherCommunity Council
11/04/2008WA Howard PelletState House of Representatives
11/04/2008WV Klaus HeitmannCounty Council
11/04/2008WV Jesse JohnsonGovernor
11/04/2008WV Robin MillsState House of Delegates
11/04/2008WV Andy WaddellState Senate
11/04/2008WV John WelbournState House of Delegates
09/20/2008HI Bob JacobsonCounty Board
09/09/2008MN Audrey ThayerCounty Commissioner
08/19/2008WA Duff BadgleyGovernor
08/19/2008WA Gary MurrellU.S. House of Representatives
08/19/2008WA Christopher WinterState House of Representatives
06/21/2008CAElected Jennifer GillNeighborhood Council
06/21/2008CAElected Christopher McKinnonNeighborhood Council
06/12/2008CA Bridgett GonzalezNeighborhood Council
06/12/2008CAElected John StinsonNeighborhood Council
06/03/2008CA Paul PitinoCounty Board of Supervisors
06/03/2008CA Joey RacanoCity Council
06/03/2008CA Tennessee ReedSchool Board
06/03/2008CA Robert RoyCity Council
05/13/2008NE Tom FosterCounty Commission
05/12/2008MAElected David SpanagelTown Moderator
05/12/2008ME Antonio BlasiBoard of Selectmen
05/06/2008VA Sheri BaileySchool Board
05/06/2008VAElected Don LangrehrTown Council
04/22/2008MS John WagesU.S. House of Representatives
04/17/2008AKElected Della CoburnTribal Council
04/15/2008NJElected Gary NovosielskiBoard of Education
04/13/2008CAElected Harold BockNeighborhood Council
04/08/2008CA Barry HermansonU.S. House of Representatives
04/08/2008COElected Pete GleichmanMayor
04/01/2008COElected Jeffrey BergeronTown Council
04/01/2008MAElected Robert CrownerTown Meeting Member
04/01/2008MA Frank GattiTown Meeting Member
04/01/2008MA Eleanor Manire-GattiTown Meeting Member
04/01/2008MAElected Vincent O’ConnorTown Meeting Member
04/01/2008WIElected Robert BrowneCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected David ConleyCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected Greg DavidCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WI Bob GiffordCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected John HardinCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected John HendrickCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected Kathryn KienholzCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected Wyndham ManningBoard of Supervisors
04/01/2008WI Jeff PetersonCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected John RendallCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected Kyle RichlondCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WI Robert RyanCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WI Michael SlatteryCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2008WIElected Barbara VedderCounty Board of Supervisors
03/18/2008NYElected David DoonanMayor
03/18/2008NYElected Roger ShermanVillage Board of Trustees
03/08/2008MEElected Jane MeisenbachSchool Board
03/04/2008NMElected Andrew FeldmanCity Council
03/04/2008VT Maria CalderonCity Council
03/04/2008VT Jim GladeCity Council
03/04/2008VT Kim MasonCity Council
03/04/2008VT LisaAnn OberbrunnerCity Council
03/03/2008MAElected Adam SacksTown Meeting Member
03/03/2008MAElected Jill SteinTown Meeting Member
02/19/2008WI Michael LaForestCommon Council