Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2007 Stats

157 Races in 2007

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
12/19/2007MD Karen JenningsCity Council
11/06/2007AZ Beryl BakerCity Council
11/06/2007AZ Dave CroteauMayor
11/06/2007CAElected Larry BragmanTown Council
11/06/2007CA Janice BrittainCity Council
11/06/2007CAElected Matthew ClarkSanitary District Board
11/06/2007CA Don HavisSchool Board
11/06/2007CAElected Crispin LittlehalesCommunity Services District
11/06/2007CAElected Kathryn MarandoCommunity Services District
11/06/2007CA Brian Lee RencherCity Council
11/06/2007CAElected Lew TremaineTown Council
11/06/2007CA Josh WolfMayor
11/06/2007CA Ahimsa Porter SumchaiMayor
11/06/2007CT David BedellConstable
11/06/2007CT Clausel Berrouet, JrBoard of Education
11/06/2007CTElected Allan BrisonBoard of Alders
11/06/2007CT Nick CegelkaConstable
11/06/2007CT Art CostaCity Council
11/06/2007CTElected Jean de SmetFirst Selectman
11/06/2007CTElected Erik EisenbergConstable
11/06/2007CT Mary FarrellConstable
11/06/2007CT Ralph FerrucciMayor
11/06/2007CT Davana GrabelBoard of Education
11/06/2007CT Kenric HansonCity Council
11/06/2007CT David IonnoCity Council
11/06/2007CTElected Hector LopezConstable
11/06/2007CTElected Leif SmithConstable
11/06/2007CT Ronna StullerBoard of Education
11/06/2007CT Daniel SumrallBoard of Alders
11/06/2007IN Thomas Eugene BrownMayor
11/06/2007IN Karl HardyCommon Council
11/06/2007IN Kathleen PetitjeanCommon Council
11/06/2007IN David Alan VollrathCommon Council
11/06/2007MAElected Bruce MeninSchool Committee
11/06/2007MA Rick PurcellCity Council
11/06/2007MA Grace RossCity Council
11/06/2007MAElected Luc SchusterSchool Committee
11/06/2007MAElected Chuck TurnerCity Council
11/06/2007MD Maria AllwineCity Council
11/06/2007MD Bill BarryCity Council
11/06/2007MDElected Dan RobinsonTown Council
11/06/2007MEElected John AntonCity Council
11/06/2007ME Tom FuscoTown Council
11/06/2007ME Keith GibsonWater District Board of Trustees
11/06/2007ME David HomaTown Council
11/06/2007ME Captain Bill LinnellCity Council
11/06/2007ME Benjamin MeiklejohnBoard of Education
11/06/2007ME Leslie MintonBoard of Education
11/06/2007MIElected Don CooneyCity Commission
11/06/2007MS Lynn McLeanState House of Representatives
11/06/2007MS William McLeanConstable
11/06/2007NJ Elizabeth ArnoneGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ George DeCarloGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Matthew DimonGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Michael GellmanGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Richard GiovanoniGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Mark HeacockGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Margie MacWilliamsGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Nick MellisGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Matt NortonGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Alice OsipowitzCity Council
11/06/2007NJ Ryan Pesigan ReyesGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Philip PetrignaniCity Council
11/06/2007NJ Paul RinearCity Council
11/06/2007NJ Marc SchwegelFreeholder
11/06/2007NJ MIchael SpectorGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Mark TeichlanCity Council
11/06/2007NJ Kenneth WolskiGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NJ Charles WoodrowGeneral Assembly
11/06/2007NYElected Jennifer DotsonCommon Council
11/06/2007NY Joseph DuffyCommon Council
11/06/2007NY Howie HawkinsCommon Council
11/06/2007NY Peter HealeyCounty Legislature
11/06/2007NY Margaret HumanTown Council
11/06/2007NY Eric JonesCommon Council
11/06/2007NY David LussierCounty Legislature
11/06/2007NY Ahlad Ali Mitchel-ElCounty Executive
11/06/2007NY Dave WhitehillMayor
11/06/2007OH David BallCity Council
11/06/2007OH Justin JeffreCity Council
11/06/2007PA Jessica AshlanClerk of Courts
11/06/2007PA Jacinth Brown RobertsCity Commission
11/06/2007PAElected Sam EttaroBorough Council
11/06/2007PA Lewis Harris Jr.City Commission
11/06/2007PA Katrina HeycockSchool District Board of Directors
11/06/2007PA Joe JenkinsTownship Board of Supervisors
11/06/2007PA Jennaro PullanoMayor
11/06/2007PA Brian RudnickCity Council
11/06/2007PA Heather UrkuskiCounty Board of Commissioners
11/06/2007PA Teresa ValentinCity Council
11/06/2007PA Courtney WegeSchool District Board of Directors
11/06/2007SC Bryan SmithTown Council
11/06/2007TX Alfred MolisonCity Council
11/06/2007VA Timothy CottleSoil and Water Conservation District
11/06/2007VA Patrick DavenportSoil and Water Conservation District
11/06/2007VAElected Kathleen HarriganSoil and Water Conservation District
11/06/2007VAElected Daniel MetrauxSoil and Water Conservation District
11/06/2007VA Andrea MillerSoil and Water Conservation District
11/06/2007VA Silver PersingerState Senate
11/06/2007VA Josh RuebnerCounty Board
11/06/2007VAElected Chris SimmonsSoil and Water Conservation District
11/06/2007WA Meta HoganMayor
11/06/2007WA Sally SorianoSchool Board
11/06/2007WA Joe SzwajaCity Council
11/05/2007COElected Thom CarnevaleTown Council
10/20/2007LA Autumne BankovicJustice of the Peace
10/20/2007LA Gary WainwrightCriminal District Court Judge
08/21/2007CA Daniel BrezenoffU.S. House of Representatives
08/21/2007WA Suzanne NottPort Commissioner
06/12/2007CA Laura BorelSchool Board
06/12/2007MEElected John Fillmore-PatrickSchool Board
06/12/2007MEElected George SullivanTown Council
06/05/2007CA Leticia PepperCity Council
05/15/2007NYElected Rome CelliBoard of Education
05/15/2007NYElected Edgar RodriguezBoard of Education
05/14/2007MAElected Judy GatesLibrary Board of Trustees
05/14/2007MA David SpanagelTown Moderator
05/12/2007MEElected Antonio BlasiPlanning Board
05/12/2007TX Angela PhillipsCity Council
05/12/2007TX Kat SwiftCity Council
05/07/2007MAElected Rudy HellerSelectman
05/01/2007DC Mai Abdul RahlanState Board of Education
05/01/2007DC Renee BowserCity Council
05/01/2007MAElected Tom FlittieTown Meeting Member
05/01/2007NY Jason WestMayor
04/17/2007ILElected Robert BraamLibrary Board
04/17/2007ILElected Kris CampbellVillage Board of Trustees
04/17/2007IL Adrian FrostSchool Board
04/17/2007ILElected Carol LarsonSchool Board
04/17/2007IL Louis MarkVillage President
04/17/2007IL Jason WallaceCollege Board of Trustees
04/03/2007CAElected Vahe PeroomianCollege Board of Trustees
04/03/2007COElected Pete GleichmanMayor
04/03/2007WI Stephen DeckerCommon Council
04/03/2007WI Larry HardingTown Chairperson
04/03/2007WIElected Amy HeartCommon Council
04/03/2007WIElected Pete KarasCommon Council
04/03/2007WIElected Brenda KonkelCommon Council
04/03/2007WI Eric KrszjzaniekCommon Council
04/03/2007WIElected Tony PalmeriCommon Council
04/03/2007WIElected Marsha RummelCommon Council
04/03/2007WI Robert RyanTown Chairperson
04/03/2007WIElected Brian SolomonCommon Council
04/03/2007WI Doug StingleCommon Council
04/03/2007WI Lynn UteschTown Board
04/03/2007WIElected Robbie WebberCommon Council
04/03/2007WI Lauren WoodsCommon Council
04/03/2007WIElected JoEllen GramlingTown Clerk
04/02/2007NV Joe SaccoCity Council
03/27/2007MA Eleanor Manire-GattiTown Meeting Member
03/08/2007CAElected Cliff HannaPlanning Board
03/06/2007CA Kimberly BrownCity Council
03/06/2007VT Rene Kaczka-ValliereCity Council
03/06/2007VT Owen MulliganInspector of Elections
03/06/2007VTElected Hillary WeeksInspector of Elections
02/20/2007WI Leon ToddSchool Board
02/06/2007NMElected Richard PoleseSchool Board