Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2022 Stats

178 Races in 2022

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
11/08/2022AZ Liana WestGovernor
11/08/2022AZ Sam HalesWater Conservation District
11/08/2022CA Michael Ernest KerrU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022CAElected Bruce DelgadoMayor
11/08/2022CAElected Robert ‘Bob’ WichertWater District Board of Directors
11/08/2022CAElected Laura Esperanza SurlsSchool Board of Trustees
11/08/2022CA Ronnie OdnealSchool Board
11/08/2022CAElected John BaileyFlood Control and Water Conservation Improvement District
11/08/2022CAElected Stephen ZollmanCity Council
11/08/2022CA Juan Manuel FigueroaCommunity Services District
11/08/2022CA Donna YutzyRecreation and Park District
11/08/2022CAElected Daniel KramerCommunity Services District
11/08/2022CAElected Samantha HinrichsFire Protection District
11/08/2022CA Brian DonahueSchool Board
11/08/2022CAElected James KingSchool Board
11/08/2022CAElected Miguel GuillenSchool Board
11/08/2022CAElected Ryan O’NeilSchool Board of Trustees
11/08/2022CA Colton Douglass EppersonCity Council
11/08/2022CO Iris BoswellU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022CT Justin PaglinoU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022CT Michael OretadeState Senate
11/08/2022CT Mary L. SandersU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022CT David BedellState Senate
11/08/2022CT Sherri Danaher ConroyRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2022CT Keith FosterRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2022CT Ken KrayeskeAttorney General
11/08/2022CT Jean de SmetState Senate
11/08/2022CT Brian GayRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2022CT Hugh BirdsallState House of Representatives
11/08/2022CT Michelle Louise BickingGovernor
11/08/2022CT Don AlexanderRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2022CT Don AlexanderState House of Representatives
11/08/2022CT Cassandra MartineauLieutenant Governor
11/08/2022CT Douglas LaryRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2022CTElected Michael HarrisRegistrar of Voters
11/08/2022DC Natale ‘Lino’ StracuzziDelegate to U.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022DC Joyce Robinson-PaulUnited States Representative
11/08/2022DC David SchwartzmanCity Council
11/08/2022DC Darryl MochChairman of the Council
11/08/2022DC Chris OttenCity Council
11/08/2022DCElected Joyce Robinson-PaulAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/08/2022DCElected Anna RoblinAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/08/2022DCElected Kimory OrendoffAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/08/2022FL Robin Denise HarrisState House of Representatives
11/08/2022FL Brian Patrick MooreState Senate
11/08/2022HI Emma Jane PohlmanU.S. Senate
11/08/2022HI Melissah ShishidoState Senate
11/08/2022HI Kapono SouzaState Senate
11/08/2022HI Nick NikhilanandaState House of Representatives
11/08/2022HI Summer StarrState House of Representatives
11/08/2022IL Mark BuettnerWater Reclamation District
11/08/2022IL Toneal JacksonWater Reclamation District
11/08/2022IL Brad AhrensU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022IN Jacob BaileyU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022IN David WettererSecretary of State
11/08/2022MA Michael LaveryState House of Representatives
11/08/2022MA Juan Gabriel SanchezSecretary of the Commonwealth
11/08/2022MA Gloria Caballero-RocaState Auditor
11/08/2022MA David RoldeState House of Representatives
11/08/2022MD Renaud Deaundre BrownState House of Delegates
11/08/2022MD Anthony WilliamsBoard of Education
11/08/2022MD David JeangState Senate
11/08/2022MD Moshe LandmanState Senate
11/08/2022MD Jon ForemanState House of Delegates
11/08/2022MD Dan RobinsonCounty Council
11/08/2022MD Charlotte McBreartyState House of Delegates
11/08/2022MD Nancy WallaceGovernor
11/08/2022MD Patrick ElderLieutenant Governor
11/08/2022MD Jay HudsonCounty Board of Education
11/08/2022ME Heather ‘Betsy’ GarroldState House of Representatives
11/08/2022MEElected Fred McCannWater District Board of Trustees
11/08/2022MI Kevin HoganGovernor
11/08/2022MI Destiny ClaytonLieutenant Governor
11/08/2022MI Larry HutchinsonSecretary of State
11/08/2022MI Wade RobertsState Senate
11/08/2022MI N. Jefferey SparlingState House of Representatives
11/08/2022MI Eric BorregardState House of Representatives
11/08/2022MI Sherry A. WellsUniversity Board of Regents
11/08/2022MI Robin Lea LaurainUniversity Board of Trustees
11/08/2022MI Susan OdgersUniversity Board of Governors
11/08/2022MI Tom MairCounty Board of Commissioners
11/08/2022MI Gerard AkkerhuisState House of Representatives
11/08/2022MI D. Etta WilcoxonU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022MI D. Etta WilcoxonU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022MI Neva Tice-SissonCounty Commissioner
11/08/2022MNElected Audrey ThayerCity Council
11/08/2022MO Randall HolmesCounty Executive
11/08/2022MO Don FitzCounty Assessor
11/08/2022MO Jerome BauerCity Recorder of Deeds
11/08/2022MT Steve KellyState House of Representatives
11/08/2022MT Gary MarbutState House of Representatives
11/08/2022NC Matthew HohU.S. Senate
11/08/2022NC Joshua BradleyCity Council
11/08/2022NC Michael TrudeauState Senate
11/08/2022NJ Barry BendarTownship Committee
11/08/2022NY Howie HawkinsGovernor
11/08/2022NY Gloria MatteraLieutenant Governor
11/08/2022OR Dan PuljuU.S. Senate
11/08/2022OR Michael BeilsteinU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022OR Shauleen HigginsCity Council
11/08/2022PA Christina ‘PK’ DiGiulioGovernor
11/08/2022PA Michael Bagdes-CanningLieutenant Governor
11/08/2022PA Jay Ting WalkerState House of Representatives
11/08/2022PA Queonia ‘Zarah’ LivingstonState House of Representatives
11/08/2022PA Richard L. WeissU.S. Senate
11/08/2022SC Charla Henson-SimonsState House of Representatives
11/08/2022SC Larry GaitherU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022SC David EdmondState Commissioner of Agriculture
11/08/2022SC Patricia M. MickelState Superintendent of Education
11/08/2022SCElected Michael StewartSoil and Water Commission
11/08/2022SC David WhitemanSoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2022SC Nancy JocoySoil and Water Conservation District
11/08/2022TN Ronnie HenleyU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022TN Ronnie HenleyState Senate
11/08/2022TX Delilah BarriosGovernor
11/08/2022TX Alfred MolisonCommissioner of the General Land Office
11/08/2022TX Hunter CrowState Railroad Commissioner
11/08/2022VA Blaizen Buckshot BloomSchool Board
11/08/2022VA Audrey ClementCounty Board
11/08/2022VA Garry HubbardU.S. House of Representatives
11/08/2022WI Sharyl McFarlandSecretary of State
11/08/2022WV Dylan ParsonsState House of Delegates
10/04/2022AKElected Della CoburnCity Council
08/23/2022MEElected Ivy TurnerSchool Board
08/13/2022HI Jason SchwartzCounty Council
08/04/2022TN Ronnie HenleyCounty Mayor
08/02/2022AZ Cody HannahCity Council
06/20/2022MEElected Genevieve BeckwithTax Collector
06/16/2022MEElected Ashlee ChaineSchool Board
06/16/2022ME Jordan Barnett-ParkerSelect Board
06/14/2022MAElected Nat FortuneTown Moderator
06/14/2022ME Benjamin MeiklejohnState Senate
06/14/2022MEElected Danny JacksonSchool Board
06/14/2022MEElected Jessica SmithSchool Board
06/14/2022MEElected Andrea WinnSchool Board
06/14/2022MEElected Rebecca HennesseySchool Committee
06/14/2022MEElected Jill BouchardSchool Board
06/14/2022MEElected Lori PerezSchool Board
06/14/2022MEElected Angela McKenneySchool Board
06/14/2022MEElected Marilynn GrizkewitschSelect Board
06/14/2022MEElected Michael SchultzSelect Board
06/14/2022MEElected Charles HydekWarrant and Finance Committee
06/14/2022MEElected Allison FeltonRecreation Committee
06/14/2022MEElected Elizabeth DoughtySchool Board
06/14/2022MEElected Catherine DipietroPlanning Board Alternate
06/14/2022ME Catherine DipietroWater District Board of Trustees
06/14/2022MEElected Azalea CormierSelect Board
06/07/2022CA Dan KapelovitzAttorney General
06/07/2022CA Veronika FimbresInsurance Commissioner
06/07/2022CA Laura WellsState Controller
06/07/2022CA Gary BlennerSecretary of State
06/07/2022CA Luis J. RodriguezGovernor
06/07/2022CA James Henry ‘Henk’ ConnU.S. Senate
06/07/2022CA Pamela ElizondoU.S. Senate
06/07/2022CA Julio Cesar FloresU.S. House of Representatives
06/07/2022CA William ‘Gunner’ MeurerU.S. House of Representatives
06/07/2022CA Tania SoléState Assembly
06/07/2022CA Heather CollinsGovernor
06/07/2022CA Chris RichardsonU.S. House of Representatives
05/17/2022OR Brian SetzlerCity Auditor
05/10/2022WV Darrin CoxCounty Board of Education
05/10/2022WVElected Elizabeth Orndoff-SayersMayor
05/10/2022WV David TabbCounty Commission
04/25/2022MEElected Tasha PerkinsSchool Board
04/21/2022AKElected Della CoburnTribal Council
03/28/2022MEElected Ronald DeeganSelect Board
03/26/2022MEElected Sprite YorkSchool Committe
03/21/2022MEElected Valerie SilvaSchool Board
03/19/2022MEElected Heather QuimbyPlanning Board
03/17/2022INElected Jain YoungSoil and Water Conservation District
03/15/2022NYElected Jamie CooneyVillage Board of Trustees
03/14/2022MEElected Rebecca StanwoodSchool Board
03/13/2022MEElected Lexi DaggettSelect Board
03/12/2022MEElected Ryan LarsenSchool Board of Directors
03/11/2022MEElected Gilbert HarrisBoard of Selectman
03/07/2022MEElected Samantha DelorieSchool Board
03/07/2022MEElected Morrigan McLeodSchool Board
03/05/2022ME Deron WhittemoreSchool Committee
03/05/2022ME Bruce WhippleBoard of Selectman
03/05/2022MEElected Casey CoteSchool Board
02/15/2022CA Michael PetrelisAssessor-Recorder