Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2002 Stats

564 Races in 2002

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
12/30/2002MN Shane PriceCity Council
11/30/2002HI Nick NikhilanandaU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002AK Diane BensonGovernor
11/05/2002AK Della CoburnLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002AK Russell DeForestU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002AK David StannardState Senate
11/05/2002AK Thomas M. StromanState Senate
11/05/2002AK Jim SykesU.S. Senate
11/05/2002AK Nathana WrightState House of Representatives
11/05/2002AR Al VickCity Council
11/05/2002AZ Sam RitchieCommunity College District
11/05/2002AZ Kyrsten SinemaState House of Representatives
11/05/2002CA Ken AdamsU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002CA Ana AraizaCity Council
11/05/2002CA Josefina ArandaCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Larry BarnettCity Council
11/05/2002CA Steve BenjaminCommunity College District Board of Trustees
11/05/2002CA Warner BloombergState Assembly
11/05/2002CA John BoushellMayor
11/05/2002CA Peter Miguel CamejoGovernor
11/05/2002CA Jo ChamberlainState Assembly
11/05/2002CAElected Howard ChongRent Stabilization Board
11/05/2002CA Julie Cooley-RiedersCity Council
11/05/2002CA Phil CourtneyU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002CA Jim DorenkottU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002CAElected Alan DrusysCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Tim FitzmauriceCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Cindy FoxfootSchool Board
11/05/2002CAElected Paul FranklinSchool Board
11/05/2002CAElected Roberto G. GarciaFire District
11/05/2002CA Raymond Glock-GrueneichU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002CA Learner GoodeCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Herb GuraSchool Board
11/05/2002CA Barry HermansonCounty Board of Supervisors
11/05/2002CAElected Patricia HilesSchool Board
11/05/2002CAElected Beth IngallsCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Rebecca KaplanTransit Board
11/05/2002CA Bruce KarneyCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Chris KavanaghRent Stabilization Board
11/05/2002CA Guillermo KuhlCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected James LamportHospital District
11/05/2002CA Thomas LashU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002CA Thomas LeavittCity Council
11/05/2002CA Whitney LeighBoard of Education
11/05/2002CAElected Sarah LipsonBoard of Education
11/05/2002CA Jonathan LundellSchool Board
11/05/2002CAElected Kevin McKeownCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Dave MeserveCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Gene MeyersSchool Board
11/05/2002CAElected Cameron MillerWater Conservation District Board
11/05/2002CA Abel MoutonCommunity College District
11/05/2002CA Glen MowrerAttorney General
11/05/2002CA Robert (Bob) NanningaCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Landon NeustadtCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected DeOnne NoelSchool Board
11/05/2002CA Joey RacanoCity Council
11/05/2002CA Kenn RiedersCity Council
11/05/2002CA Jennifer RienksHealthcare District
11/05/2002CAElected Larry RobinsonCity Council
11/05/2002CA Jeanne Marie RosenmeierState Treasurer
11/05/2002CA Robert A. RussellSchool Board
11/05/2002CA Mark SanchezState Superintendent of Public Instruction
11/05/2002CAElected Sandra Ventura ScottSchool Board
11/05/2002CA David Ishlael SheidlowerInsurance Commissioner
11/05/2002CA Larry ShoupSecretary of State
11/05/2002CAElected Mark ShoupCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Lauren SinnottCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Selma SpectorRent Stabilization Board
11/05/2002CAElected Dona SpringCity Council
11/05/2002CA Terry StoneCity Council
11/05/2002CA Joseph ‘Buck’ StovalBoard of Education
11/05/2002CAElected Bruce SturmFire District
11/05/2002CA Newell TaylorCity Council
11/05/2002CA Doug ThronState Assembly
11/05/2002CA David WadeSchool Board
11/05/2002CA Donna WarrenLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002CA Laura WellsState Controller
11/05/2002CAElected Tim WillisSchool Board
11/05/2002CA L.A. WoodCity Council
11/05/2002CAElected Kathy WronskiPark and Recreation District
11/05/2002CO Dave ChandlerU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002CO Ron ForthoferGovernor
11/05/2002CO Alison MaynardAttorney General
11/05/2002CO Justin J. McCarthyCounty Commission
11/05/2002CO Eric RechelState House of Representatives
11/05/2002CO Ken SeamanU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002CO D. Oak SmithCounty Clerk
11/05/2002CO Dan WintersLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002CO Nancy YorkCounty Commission
11/05/2002CT John BattistaState House of Representatives
11/05/2002CT Mike DeRosaState Senate
11/05/2002CT David IonnoBoard of Education
11/05/2002CT Peter MagistriState House of Representatives
11/05/2002CT Simone MasonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002CT Charlie PillsburyU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002CT Thomas SevignyState Senate
11/05/2002CT Penny TealState Senate
11/05/2002DCElected Renee BowserAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/05/2002DC Gail DixonCity Council
11/05/2002DC Steve DonkinMayor
11/05/2002DC Adam EidingerUnited States Representative
11/05/2002DC Jenefer EllingstonCity Council
11/05/2002DC Debby HanrahanCity Council
11/05/2002DC Joyce Robinson-PaulU.S. Senate
11/05/2002DCElected Joyce Robinson-PaulAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/05/2002DC Michele Tingling-ClemmonsCity Council
11/05/2002DC Edward Chico TroyCity Council
11/05/2002DCElected Bryan WeaverAdvisory Neighborhood Commission
11/05/2002DE Vivian A. HoughtonAttorney General
11/05/2002DE William WinklerState Senate
11/05/2002FL Tim DoyleState House of Representatives
11/05/2002FL Kurt GratzolState House of Representatives
11/05/2002FL Lynda SchuhMosquito Control Board
11/05/2002FL Anthony StephanCharter Review Commission
11/05/2002GA Kerrie DicksonState Commissioner of Agriculture
11/05/2002GA Hugh EscoLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002GA Nannette D. GarrettGovernor
11/05/2002GA Joyce GriggsU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002GA Al HermanU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002GA Harry T. LydeState House of Representatives
11/05/2002GA Reverend Zack LydeSchool Board
11/05/2002GA Chris NeelyState House of Representatives
11/05/2002GA Ed VaughnCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002HI Kahealanikuuleialoha ‘Kahe’ AipiaState Senate
11/05/2002HIElected Bob JacobsonCounty Council
11/05/2002HI Jack KellyState House of Representatives
11/05/2002HI Lynn NakkimState House of Representatives
11/05/2002IA Don ArenzSecretary of State
11/05/2002IA Brian DepewState Secretary of Agriculture
11/05/2002IA Holly HartLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002IA Tim HarthanU.S. Senate
11/05/2002IA Jeannie HegemannCounty Board of Supervisors
11/05/2002IA Tom HustvetCounty Board of Supervisors
11/05/2002IAElected Kevin LeeTownship Board of Trustees
11/05/2002IA Jim PaprockiCounty Board of Supervisors
11/05/2002IA Joannes R. PoolCounty Board of Supervisors
11/05/2002IA Jay RobinsonGovernor
11/05/2002IA Tammy Kaye SimonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002ID Rick BoydState House of Representatives
11/05/2002ID Robert McMinnState Senate
11/05/2002ID John SteinebachState Senate
11/05/2002IL Carl EstabrookU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002IL Jason FarbmanState House of Representatives
11/05/2002IL Joe LanterCounty Board of Supervisors
11/05/2002IL Julie SamuelsState House of Representatives
11/05/2002IL Rich WhitneyState House of Representatives
11/05/2002IN Timothy BaerCounty Commission
11/05/2002IN Jeff MeltonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002IN Julie RobertsCounty Council
11/05/2002KY Don PrattUrban County Council
11/05/2002MA Michael AleoState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MA Sue BartoneState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MAElected George BryantCounty Assembly
11/05/2002MA Paul LachelierState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MA Jonathan LevittState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MA Anthony LorenzenLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002MA Daniel MelnechuckU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MA Jill SteinGovernor
11/05/2002MA Peter WhiteState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MD Bob AuerbachU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MD David GrossHouse of Delegates
11/05/2002MD Beth HufnagelState Comptroller
11/05/2002MD Richard KunkelHouse of Delegates
11/05/2002MD George LawCounty Council
11/05/2002MD Bob Lewis (MD)County Commissioner
11/05/2002MD George W. MurphyCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MD Linda SchadeHouse of Delegates
11/05/2002MD Morning SundayHouse of Delegates
11/05/2002ME Jonathan CarterGovernor
11/05/2002ME Morgen D ArcCounty Register of Deeds
11/05/2002ME Joshua DolbyState House of Representatives
11/05/2002ME Fred DolgonState Senate
11/05/2002ME Robert K. DunningState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MEElected John EderState House of Representatives
11/05/2002ME Peter FernaldState House of Representatives
11/05/2002ME Ruth Z. GabeyState House of Representatives
11/05/2002ME Heather ‘Betsy’ GarroldState House of Representatives
11/05/2002ME Dorothy LaFortuneState Senate
11/05/2002ME Flower NobleState Senate
11/05/2002ME Oliver OuterbridgeState Senate
11/05/2002ME Christine A. WestState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Keith AgdanowskiCity Council
11/05/2002MI Eric BorregardU.S. Senate
11/05/2002MI William BoydU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Adrianna BuonarrotiLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002MI Michael ButtigiegCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MI Douglas CampbellGovernor
11/05/2002MI Surjit Singh DulaiUniversity Board of Trustees
11/05/2002MI Susan FawcettUniversity Board of Regents
11/05/2002MI Margaret GuttshallState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Donnelly HaddenState Supreme Court
11/05/2002MI William HenneCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MI Garry HerringState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Alan JacobsonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Sterling JohnsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Bretton JonesState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Daniel KaramState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Jerry KaufmanAttorney General
11/05/2002MI Joseph KingCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MI Frederick KlineUniversity Board of Governors
11/05/2002MI Anthony KozubalCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MI Jason LaFayUniversity Board of Trustees
11/05/2002MI John LitleU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Roger McClaryCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MI Michael L. McGuinnessCommunity College District
11/05/2002MI Harley MikkelsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Kyle MoxleyState Board of Education
11/05/2002MI Edward Muller, Jr.County Commissioner
11/05/2002MI Arthur MyattState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Rosalie Anne PelchCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MI Matt PeteringUniversity Board of Regents
11/05/2002MI Peter PonzettiState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Karen ShelleyState Board of Education
11/05/2002MI Elliott SmithState Senate
11/05/2002MI Rev. A.S. WrightState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MI Ray ZiarnoSecretary of State
11/05/2002MI Edward MuellerCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MN Andrew AbruzzeseState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN George BatemanState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Dave BergerState Auditor
11/05/2002MN Andrew BohoState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Teresa Bowe-CoverState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Holle BrianState Senate
11/05/2002MN Tom ClelandState Senate
11/05/2002MN Tim DavisU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Will Donovan IIIState Senate
11/05/2002MN Dave EngstromState Senate
11/05/2002MN Ed FelienCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MN Ray FennerState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Richard FischerState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MNElected Elaine FlemingMayor
11/05/2002MN Mark FriedmanState Senate
11/05/2002MN John GibsonState Senate
11/05/2002MN Rhoda GilmanLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002MN Nick GranathState Senate
11/05/2002MN Wade HannonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Dan KimmelState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Andrew KoebrickSecretary of State
11/05/2002MN Spencer MadsenCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MN Tom MarksState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Keith MelandState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Tom MenkeState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Greg MikkelsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Karyn MilosState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Eric OinesState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MNElected Vic OrmsbySoil and Water Conservation District
11/05/2002MN Saloman OrrellanaState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Kristin OsbakkenCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MN Ken PentelGovernor
11/05/2002MN Bob PollockState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Jay PondU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Danene ProvencherCity Council
11/05/2002MN Scott RaskiewiczU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Robert SchlidSoil and Water Conservation District
11/05/2002MN Bonnie Jean SmithState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Lance StarichaState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MN Jerry TaubeCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MN Audrey ThayerCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MN Ray TricomoU.S. Senate
11/05/2002MN LaVerne TurnerState Senate
11/05/2002MN Bob VelezCounty Commissioner
11/05/2002MNElected Dwayne VoegeliCounty Commission
11/05/2002MO Keith BrekhusU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002MO Fred KennellState Auditor
11/05/2002MO Matthew LarsonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MO Jason MurphyCounty License Collector
11/05/2002MO Chad ParmenterCounty Council
11/05/2002MO Mark RobertsonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MO Daniel RomanoU.S. Senate
11/05/2002MO Mel ScrivenerState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MO Terry ZemanCounty Executive
11/05/2002MT Robert Dale BeckState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MT Christine FrazierState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MT Greg GordonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MT Bob KelleherU.S. Senate
11/05/2002MT Kelly PollingtonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MT Scott N. ProctorState House of Representatives
11/05/2002MT Paul StephensCounty Commission
11/05/2002NCElected Gray NewmanSoil and Water Conservation District
11/05/2002NE Tom FosterPublic Power District
11/05/2002NE Kevin JohnsonNatural Resources District
11/05/2002NEElected Steve LarrickNatural Resources District
11/05/2002NE Frances MendenhallPublic Power District
11/05/2002NE Doug PatersonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NJ David AlcantaraFreeholder
11/05/2002NJ Nancy BowmanFreeholder
11/05/2002NJ Jamie ConsuegraTownship Committee
11/05/2002NJ Emily CookFreeholder
11/05/2002NJ Russell CullenMayor
11/05/2002NJ Henry FaulknerU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NJ Paul ForsteFreeholder
11/05/2002NJ Joseph FortunatoU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NJ Richard FosterCounty Executive
11/05/2002NJ Ted GlickU.S. Senate
11/05/2002NJ Tamara GundTownship Committee
11/05/2002NJ Ray Higbee Jr.Freeholder
11/05/2002NJ Jane HunterBorough Council
11/05/2002NJ Lynne KnudsenFreeholder
11/05/2002NJ Carl MayerU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NJ Claudette MeliereCounty Executive
11/05/2002NJ Roger MerleU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NJ Scott SalusBorough Council
11/05/2002NJ Richard StrongU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NJ Steven SyrekBorough Council
11/05/2002NJ Daniel TumpsonFreeholder
11/05/2002NM David BaconGovernor
11/05/2002NM Cliff BainCounty Commission
11/05/2002NM Gary ClaussCounty Commission
11/05/2002NM George L. DeweyU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NM Ann GleasonAttorney General
11/05/2002NM Sam HittState Commissioner of Pubic Lands
11/05/2002NM Rick LassState House of Representatives
11/05/2002NM Kathy SanchezLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002NM Robert M. SernaCounty Sheriff
11/05/2002NM Don ThompsonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002NM Mervyn C. TildenState House of Representatives
11/05/2002NV Brandi J. HarringtonCounty Recorder
11/05/2002NV Charles LawsGovernor
11/05/2002NV Paul Alan LenartSecretary of State
11/05/2002NV Robert E. ParkerCounty Public Administrator
11/05/2002NV Lane StartinU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Penny ArcadeState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Stanley AronowitzGovernor
11/05/2002NY Henry (Hank) BardelU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Robin BarkenhagenState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Georgiana BordaState Senate
11/05/2002NY Richard BordaState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Bonnie CannanState Senate
11/05/2002NY Evergreen ChouState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Kathleen CurtisState Senate
11/05/2002NY Jennifer DanielsLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002NY Thomas M. DeganState Senate
11/05/2002NY Joseph DeMareState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Tim DerhamU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Mark DunauU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Ann EaganState Senate
11/05/2002NY Jim EatonState Senate
11/05/2002NY Ivana EdwardsState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Paul FallonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Jim FarneyState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Leslie FarneyState Senate
11/05/2002NY Deborah GeorgeTown Council
11/05/2002NY William Gerena-RochetState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Steven GreenfieldU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Howie HawkinsState Comptroller
11/05/2002NY Don HickokCounty Sheriff
11/05/2002NY Gerald KannState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Tom KeefeMunicipal Judge
11/05/2002NY John KeenanU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Albert LaBrunaU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Patrick LanghenryState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Chester Le BaronCounty Coroner
11/05/2002NY Margaret LewisU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Joshua LiebersonState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Mary Jo LongAttorney General
11/05/2002NY Peter LookerState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Kenn LowyState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Ronald MacKinnonState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Ralph ManfredoniaTown Council
11/05/2002NY Phil MartinState Assembly
11/05/2002NY William McCrossenTown Council
11/05/2002NY Tara MeadowsState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Pete MeyersCounty Sheriff
11/05/2002NY Kate PendergrastCounty Coroner
11/05/2002NY Darius PereiraState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Jeffery PeressState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Jean RaboffState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Lorna SalzmanU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Devin ScherubelTown Council
11/05/2002NY Dan SearlesState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Elizabeth ShanklinU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Thomas SiracuseState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Roger SnyderState Senate
11/05/2002NY George TatevosyanState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Rachel TreichlerU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Kathleen Van VlackState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Jeffrey Van ZandtTown Justice
11/05/2002NY Samuel WeinrebUniversity Board of Trustees
11/05/2002NY Dan WentzelU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002NY Jason WestState Assembly
11/05/2002NY Dorothy Williams-PereiraState Senate
11/05/2002NY Jonathan WrightU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002OH Alan AmstutzState House of Representatives
11/05/2002OH Frank DodenU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002OR Diane AmaroticoParks and Recreation Commission
11/05/2002ORElected George GroschCity Council
11/05/2002OR Tom MatosecCounty Commission
11/05/2002OR Dale MatthewsState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA AnnDrea M. BensonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Traci ConferState Senate
11/05/2002PA Mike EwallU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Ernst FordState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Jonathan L. GallupState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Andrew W. GreenState Senate
11/05/2002PA Tom HeitzenraterState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Michael MorrillGovernor
11/05/2002PA Charles MoyerState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Diana ObolerState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Ben PriceU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Eric PrindleState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Kurt J. ShotkoU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Vicki J. SmedleyLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002PA Todd WillU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Eric WolfeState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA Duane R. WrightState House of Representatives
11/05/2002PA J. Terry ZellerState House of Representatives
11/05/2002RI Greg GerrittMayor
11/05/2002RI Edward Larry KernCity Council
11/05/2002RI John NimmoCity Council
11/05/2002RIElected David SegalCity Council
11/05/2002RI Gregg StevensLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002RI Jeff TosteState Senate
11/05/2002TN Jonathan FarleyU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX B.J. ArmstrongU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Sherrill BlackmonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Michael J. BolzeniusState House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Loren CliftJustice of the Peace
11/05/2002TX David CobbAttorney General
11/05/2002TX Sarah DuBoseState House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Jane ElioseffState Agriculture Commissioner
11/05/2002TX Molly HayesCounty Clerk
11/05/2002TX Carla HubbellU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Ollie Ruth JeffersonStatewide Court of Appeals
11/05/2002TX Thomas J. KemperU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Bryan LankfordCounty Commission
11/05/2002TX Rahul MahajanGovernor
11/05/2002TX Charlie MauchState Railroad Commission
11/05/2002TX Michael B. McInerneyCommissioner of the General Land Office
11/05/2002TX Harlan McVeaState House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Buddy MohmedCounty Commission
11/05/2002TX Mike MorenCounty Treasurer
11/05/2002TX Jack NottinghamState House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Rob OwenStatewide Court of Criminal Appeals
11/05/2002TX Gary R. PageU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Nathalie ParaviciniLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002TX Cliff PearsonJustice of the Peace
11/05/2002TX John S. PetersenU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Lesley Nicole RamseyState Board of Education
11/05/2002TX George ReiterU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Ruben ReyesState Comptroller
11/05/2002TXElected George RiceAquifer Authority Board
11/05/2002TX Brad RockwellState Supreme Court
11/05/2002TX Darren ScharfState House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Ed ScharfU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Irene Meyer ScharfBoard of Education
11/05/2002TX John D. SchmidtState House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Deb ShaftoCounty Judge
11/05/2002TX Joel WestU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002TX Roy H. WilliamsU.S. Senate
11/05/2002UT Craig AxfordU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT Patrick BeecroftCounty Council
11/05/2002UT Laura BonhlanState House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT Patrick DiehlU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT Peter HinesState House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT Diana Lee HirshciCity Council
11/05/2002UT Tom KingState House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT Rob MorrisonState House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT Linda ParsonsState House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT John RenteriaState Senate
11/05/2002UT Jon RoeslerState House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT David RowlandState Senate
11/05/2002UT John WeisheitState House of Representatives
11/05/2002UT Diana Lee HirschiCounty Council
11/05/2002VA D.C. AmarasingheU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002VA Allison BergTown Council
11/05/2002VA Don LangrehrMayor
11/05/2002VA Harry NielsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002WA Bern HaggertyU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002WA Linda KnightonState Senate
11/05/2002WA Marilou RickertState Senate
11/05/2002WA Peter Francis TassoniState Senate
11/05/2002WI Paul AschenbrennerState Treasurer
11/05/2002WI Adam BenedettoCounty Sheriff
11/05/2002WI Jim CarpenterState Senate
11/05/2002WI Bernard DalseyState Assembly
11/05/2002WI Dick KaiserU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002WI Brian Merrill Vasquez VerdinU.S. House of Representatives
11/05/2002WI Jeff PetersonLieutenant Governor
11/05/2002WI Jim YoungGovernor
11/05/2002WV Bob Henry BaberState House of Delegates
11/05/2002WV Barbara TudorState House of Delegates
09/17/2002OR Christian GuntherCity Council
09/10/2002AK Thomas HigginsU.S. Senate
09/10/2002FL Nicholas ColeSchool Board
09/10/2002HI Jeff TurnerCounty Council
09/10/2002MN Michael CavlanState House of Representatives
09/10/2002MN Richard KlatteGovernor
09/10/2002MN Ed McGaaU.S. Senate
09/10/2002MN Mark Allan HansonLt. Governor
09/03/2002ID Michele EichlerSchool Board of Trustees
06/13/2002CAElected Tisha BedrosianNeighborhood Council
06/13/2002CAElected Sheila BernardNeighborhood Council
05/27/2002MEElected Gerald HoagSelect Board
05/21/2002OR Peter AlexanderCity Council
05/21/2002OR Patricia HadleyCity Council
05/21/2002OR Bill SmaldoneCity Council
05/14/2002MEElected Antonio BlasiPlanning Board
05/11/2002MAElected Jon RomanoTown Meeting Member
05/07/2002VA Mark Geduldig-YatrofskyCity Council
05/04/2002AKElected Della CoburnTribal Council
05/04/2002TX Pete SmykeMayor
05/01/2002ILElected Jennifer CoufalLocal School Council
04/09/2002CA John DonaldsonCity Council
04/09/2002CA Diana MannCity Council
04/09/2002CA Robert ‘Roy’ van de HoekCity Council
04/09/2002MA Michael AleoState House of Representatives
04/09/2002NJElected Gary NovosielskiBoard of Education
04/09/2002TX Julia PenelopeSchool Board
04/02/2002COElected Scott ChaplinTown Board of Trustees
04/02/2002COElected Pete GleichmanTown Council
04/02/2002COElected Wendy MimiagaTown Board
04/02/2002CO Krista ParadiseTown Board of Trustees
04/02/2002WI Jeanne BehrendCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WI Brian BenfordCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WI Mike BriggsVillage Board of Trustees
04/02/2002WI John BrownCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected Robert BrowneCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WI Bruce T. CiskieCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected David ConleyCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected John HardinCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected Larry HardingTownship Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected John HendrickCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WI Mark MartiBoard of Education
04/02/2002WIElected Al MatanoCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected Kathryn McKenzieCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WI Antonia NelsonCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected Thomas PowellCommon Council
04/02/2002WIElected Kyle RichlondCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected Kevin RuehlCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WIElected Echnaton VedderCounty Board of Supervisors
04/02/2002WI Annie WackerSchool Board
03/26/2002MAElected David AhlfeldTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected MIchael ChesworthTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected Miriam DaytonTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected Frank GattiTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected Christopher HolmeTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected Emily LewisTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected Neil NugentTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected Vincent O’ConnorTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected MIchael SherrardTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected John WadeTown Meeting Member
03/26/2002MAElected Brent WasTown Meeting Member
03/12/2002CAElected Kip KruegerPlanning Board
03/12/2002CAElected Lynne VanderpotPlanning Board
03/12/2002CAElected Doug ZilmPlanning Board
03/05/2002CAElected Kerry ArnettCity Council
03/05/2002CA David Delano BlancoState Controller
03/05/2002CAElected William BretzPlanning Group
03/05/2002CA Yolanda EscamillaCity Council
03/05/2002CA Michael GoldsteinSuperior Court
03/05/2002CA Dione MustardBoard of Supervisors
03/05/2002CA Virgil PinaCity Council
03/05/2002CAElected Nicole VigeantCommunity Services District
03/05/2002ME Kelly Thompson FernaldState Senate
03/05/2002PA Duane R. WrightCity Council
02/19/2002WI Josh PittsCounty Board of Supervisors
02/19/2002WI Zach SheltonBoard of Education
02/12/2002NY Peter LookerState Assembly
02/12/2002WIElected Antonia NelsonCounty Board of Supervisors
02/02/2002LA Malik RahimCity Council
02/02/2002TX Daniel KowalWatershed District Board
02/02/2002TX John D. SchlidtWatershed District Board
01/29/2002MN Jeff DavisState Senate
01/29/2002MN Joel SipressState Senate