Summary of Green Candidates

This is a database of all Green Party members who have run for public office in the United States since 1985, according to this definition of a Green Party candidate.

Candidates are entered into the database once they have qualified for the ballot. Click each candidate’s name below for more information about them and the race they are contesting. Use the search functions to the right to search by year, type of office, or for any candidate or race. Candidates not entered into the database who may have declared for office, but have not yet qualified for the ballot, may be found on state Green Party websites and on this GPUS candidate news feed

At least 163 Greens hold elected office as of the November 2024 elections — Greens have been elected at least 1582 times in history in the United States — and over 6900 times Greens have run for public office in the United States, with 62% for county, municipal, educational and special district offices and 38% for state and federal partisan office. (Updated January 25, 2025)


2014 Stats

286 Races in 2014

Election DateStateCandidateOffice
11/04/2014AR Joshua DrakeGovernor
11/04/2014AR Mark SwaneyU.S. Senate
11/04/2014CA Jon (Stevens) MannCity Council
11/04/2014CA Joshua AlvesBoard of Education
11/04/2014CA Jason AndersonMayor
11/04/2014CAElected James BaronePark and Recreation Board
11/04/2014CAElected Heather BassGoverning Board Member
11/04/2014CAElected Larry BragmanWater District Board of Directors
11/04/2014CAElected William BretzPlanning Group
11/04/2014CAElected Robert CampbellFire District
11/04/2014CA Ruscal CayangyangSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CAElected David ClarkSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CA Chrystal ColemanCity Council
11/04/2014CA Vicente Cruz IICity Council
11/04/2014CAElected Jeff S. DavisTransportation District
11/04/2014CAElected Bruce DelgadoMayor
11/04/2014CAElected Gerald EppersonCommunity Services District
11/04/2014CA Michael FeinsteinCity Council
11/04/2014CA Juan Daniel FernandezCity Council
11/04/2014CAElected Adriana GriffinSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CAElected Deborah HeathersoneCity Council
11/04/2014CA John JohnsCity Council
11/04/2014CAElected John KeenerCity Council
11/04/2014CAElected Jim KellerSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CA Patricia LandisFire District
11/04/2014CAElected Amy MartensonCollege Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CAElected Gayle McLaughlinCity Council
11/04/2014CA Eric PetersenCity Council
11/04/2014CAElected Paul PitinoCity Council
11/04/2014CAElected Kathy RallingsSchool Board
11/04/2014CA Jane RandsCity Council
11/04/2014CA Jeffrey Shane RomsosPublic Utility District
11/04/2014CAElected John SelawskyRent Stabilization Board
11/04/2014CAElected Alex ShantzSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CAElected Jan ShrinerWater District Board of Directors
11/04/2014CAElected Jim SmithSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CAElected Logan Blair SmithSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CAElected Jesse TownleyRent Stabilization Board
11/04/2014CA Jack WagnerCity Council
11/04/2014CA Richard WilliamsSchool Board of Trustees
11/04/2014CAElected Claudia WhitePlanning Group
11/04/2014CAElected Carolyn DixonGoverning Board Member
11/04/2014CO Charmaine BarrosLieutenant Governor
11/04/2014CO Harry HempyGovernor
11/04/2014CO Gary SwingU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014CO Martin WirthState Senate
11/04/2014CT Don AlexanderState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Barbara BarryState Senate
11/04/2014CT David BedellState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Colin BennettState Senate
11/04/2014CT Todd CheneyState Senate
11/04/2014CT Nathan CloutierState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Bill ClydeU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Billy Gene CollinsState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Cynthia DayState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Mike DeRosaSecretary of State
11/04/2014CT Stephen FournierAttorney General
11/04/2014CT Paul GobellState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Kelly HannaState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Thaddeus HanserJudge of Probate
11/04/2014CT Edward HeflinState Senate
11/04/2014CT Douglas LaryRegistrar of Voters
11/04/2014CT Hector LopezRegistrar of Voters
11/04/2014CT Rolf MaurerState Comptroller
11/04/2014CT Rolf MaurerState Treasurer
11/04/2014CT David MichelState Senate
11/04/2014CT David OlsztaState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Jeff RussellU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Cora SantaguidaBoard of Education
11/04/2014CT Bonnie TroyState House of Representatives
11/04/2014CT Matt WentState House of Representatives
11/04/2014DC G. Lee AikinChairman of the Council
11/04/2014DC Eugene PuryearCity Council
11/04/2014DC David SchwartzmanU.S. Senate
11/04/2014DC Natale ‘Lino’ StracuzziDelegate to U.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014DE Bernard AugustU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014DE Dave ChandlerState Treasurer
11/04/2014DE Catherine DamavandiAttorney General
11/04/2014DE Andrew GroffU.S. Senate
11/04/2014DE David McCorquodaleState House of Representatives
11/04/2014FL Henry LawrenceState House of Representatives
11/04/2014HI Keiko BonkState House of Representatives
11/04/2014HI Cedric Asuega GatesState House of Representatives
11/04/2014HI Nick NikhilanandaCounty Council
11/04/2014IA David Courard-HauriState House of Representatives
11/04/2014IL Paula BradshawU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014IL Tim CurtinState Comptroller
11/04/2014IL Julie DanielsState Treasurer
11/04/2014IL George MilkowskiWater Reclamation District
11/04/2014IL Karen RoothaanWater Reclamation District
11/04/2014IL Sheldon SchaferSecretary of State
11/04/2014IL Michael SmithWater Reclamation District
11/04/2014IL Scott SummersGovernor
11/04/2014IL Nancy WadeU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014IL Gary ShepherdState House of Representatives
11/04/2014IL Catherine TalbottState House of Representatives
11/04/2014IL Tabitha TrippState House of Representatives
11/04/2014MA Daniel FactorSecretary of the Commonwealth
11/04/2014MA Ian JacksonState Treasurer
11/04/2014MA M.K. MereliceState Auditor
11/04/2014MD George GluckU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MD Dan RobinsonHouse of Delegates
11/04/2014MD Ian SchlackmanU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MD Tim WillardCounty Council
11/04/2014ME Paige BrownState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Samuel ChandlerState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Mark DiehlState Senate
11/04/2014ME Frederick HorchState Senate
11/04/2014ME Alice KnappState Senate
11/04/2014ME Thomas MacMillianState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Randall ParrState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Asher PlattsState Senate
11/04/2014ME Daniel StromgrenState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Michael WakefieldState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Lisa Hazel WilleyState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Andrew ReddyState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Lauren Marie BesankoState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ME Owen HillState Senate
11/04/2014MEElected John EderBoard of Education
11/04/2014MEElected Jonathan AultCity Council
11/04/2014MEElected Nickie SekeraWater District Board
11/04/2014ME Rebecca WartellSchool Board
11/04/2014MI Adam AdriansonUniversity Board of Trustees
11/04/2014MI Ellis BoalU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MI Eric BorregardCollege Board of Trustees
11/04/2014MI Stephen BoyleU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MI Jim CashaU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MI Candace CavenyLieutenant Governor
11/04/2014MI Tonya DuncanU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MI Margaret GuttshallUniversity Board of Governors
11/04/2014MI Paul HomeniukGovernor
11/04/2014MI John Anthony La PietraAttorney General
11/04/2014MI John LawrenceU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MI Terry LinkUniversity Board of Trustees
11/04/2014MI Tom MairCounty Board of Commissioners
11/04/2014MI John McDermottU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MI Harley MikkelsonU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014MI Sarah MolenaarCounty Board of Commissioners
11/04/2014MI Latham ReddingUniversity Board of Trustees
11/04/2014MI Ian SwansonUniversity Board of Regents
11/04/2014MI Wayne VermilyaCounty Board of Commissioners
11/04/2014MI Chris WahmhoffU.S. Senate
11/04/2014MI Sherry A. WellsState Board of Education
11/04/2014MI Fred VitaleCounty Commission
11/04/2014MN Lena BuggsState House of Representatives
11/04/2014MN Andy DawkinsAttorney General
11/04/2014MN Kristin OsbakkenState House of Representatives
11/04/2014MN Ray ‘Skip’ SandmanU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014NJ Steven WelzerU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014NY Henry (Hank) BardelU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014NY William EdstromU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014NY Matt FunicielloU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014NY Howie HawkinsGovernor
11/04/2014NY Brian JonesLieutenant Governor
11/04/2014NY William StevensonU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014OH Bob FitrakisLieutenant Governor
11/04/2014OH Bob HartU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014OH Dennis LambertU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014OH Nathan LaneState House of Representatives
11/04/2014OH Elaine MastromatteoState House of Representatives
11/04/2014OH Eddie PfauCounty Judge
11/04/2014OH Anita RiosGovernor
11/04/2014OH Will JohnsenState House of Representatives
11/04/2014ORElected Michael BeilsteinCity Council
11/04/2014OR Michael BeilsteinU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014ORElected Matt DonohueCircuit Court Judge
11/04/2014OR Christina (Chris) LugoU.S. Senate
11/04/2014OR Michael MeoU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014PA Glenn DavisState House of Representatives
11/04/2014PA Ryan HazelState House of Representatives
11/04/2014TN Amy BalderramaState Senate
11/04/2014TN Norris DryerU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TN Martin HolsingerState House of Representatives
11/04/2014TN Isa InfanteGovernor
11/04/2014TN Martin PleasantU.S. Senate
11/04/2014TN Robert SmithU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Remington AlessiU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Valerie AlessiCommissioner of the General Land Office
11/04/2014TX Paul BlairU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Morgan BradfordState House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Art BrowningState House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Marco BuentelloState House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Schyler ButlerCounty Clerk
11/04/2014TX Michael CaryU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Jim ChisholmState Supreme Court
11/04/2014TX David CollinsCounty Judge
11/04/2014TX Don CookU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Frank CortezCounty Judge
11/04/2014TX Chandrakantha CourtneyLieutenant Governor
11/04/2014TX David CourtneyState Senate
11/04/2014TX Luis DeckerCounty Commission
11/04/2014TX Antonio DiazU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Matthew HansonCounty Clerk
11/04/2014TX Paul IngmundsonState House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Diana KendallJustice of the Peace
11/04/2014TX Kenneth KendrickState Agriculture Commissioner
11/04/2014TX William KoehnJustice of the Peace
11/04/2014TX Earl LyonsCounty Clerk
11/04/2014TX Jamar OsborneAttorney General
11/04/2014TX Brandon ParmerGovernor
11/04/2014TX Paul PipkinCounty Judge
11/04/2014TX Jesus QuirozCounty Treasurer
11/04/2014TX Hal J. Ridley, JrU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Mark RobertsU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Chuck RobinsonCounty Commission
11/04/2014TX Martina SalinasState Railroad Commission
11/04/2014TX Emily Marie SanchezU.S. Senate
11/04/2014TX Nicolas SernaState House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Deb ShaftoState Comptroller
11/04/2014TX William StoutCounty Clerk
11/04/2014TX Kat SwiftU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX John TunmireState Senate
11/04/2014TX Lakshlama ViswanathJustice of the Peace
11/04/2014TX Charles WaterburyState Supreme Court
11/04/2014TX Braeden WrightState House of Representatives
11/04/2014TX Judith Sanders-CastroStatewide Court of Appeals
11/04/2014TX George AltgeltStatewide Court of Appeals
11/04/2014TX Clint DavidsonCounty Criminal Court Judge
11/04/2014TX Erika MartinezCounty Commission
11/04/2014TX George RiceAquifer Authority Board
11/04/2014VA Joseph GaldoU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014VA Audrey ClementSchool Board
11/04/2014WA Stonewall Jackson BirdCharter Review Commission
11/04/2014WA Bob BurrPublic Utility District
11/04/2014WA Doug MilholandU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014WA Lindey Schromen-WawrinCharter Review Commission
11/04/2014WI Lawrence DaleU.S. House of Representatives
11/04/2014WI Ron HardyState Treasurer
11/04/2014WV Bob Henry BaberU.S. Senate
11/04/2014WV Tighe BullockState House of Delegates
11/04/2014WV Danny Ray CookState House of Delegates
11/04/2014WV Jesse JohnsonState Senate
11/04/2014WV Daniel LutzState House of Delegates
11/04/2014WV Mark MyersState House of Delegates
11/04/2014WV Dianna StricklandCounty Commission
11/04/2014WV Karen WhiteState House of Delegates
08/26/2014FL Randy TolerSchool Board
08/12/2014MN Doug MannBoard of Education
08/05/2014WA Bob Lewis (WA)State House of Representatives
06/10/2014ME Bob KlotzState House of Representatives
06/10/2014ME Ben SchattenburgState House of Representatives
06/10/2014MEElected Joseph YoungBoard of Selectman
06/10/2014ME Danielle UnterreinerState House of Representatives
06/10/2014MEElected Erin Libby LoikoSchool Board
06/03/2014CA Ellen BrownState Treasurer
06/03/2014CA James BrownEagleBoard of Supervisors
06/03/2014CA David CurtisSecretary of State
06/03/2014CAElected Robb DavisCity Council
06/03/2014CA Pamela ElizondoState Assembly
06/03/2014CA Jena GoodmanLieutenant Governor
06/03/2014CAElected Dan HamburgBoard of Supervisors
06/03/2014CA Barry HermansonU.S. House of Representatives
06/03/2014CA Jack LindbladState Senate
06/03/2014CA Michael PowelsonU.S. House of Representatives
06/03/2014CA Luis J. RodriguezGovernor
06/03/2014CA Michael Ian SachsU.S. House of Representatives
06/03/2014CA Laura WellsState Controller
05/18/2014CA Beth AllynNeighborhood Council
05/18/2014CAElected Sylvia ArothNeighborhood Council
05/18/2014CAElected Robin DoynoNeighborhood Council
05/15/2014CAElected April ClaryCollege Board of Trustees
05/15/2014CTElected Colleen Ann ReidyFire District
05/13/2014MAElected Damon JespersenSelect Board
05/13/2014MAElected Gail GarrettTown Clerk
05/12/2014MAElected David SpanagelTown Moderator
04/26/2014CA Elva OrtegaNeighborhood Council
04/26/2014CAElected Johanna SanchezNeighborhood Council
04/26/2014CAElected Johanna SanchezNeighborhood Council
04/26/2014CAElected Marisol SanchezNeighborhood Council
04/26/2014CA Amy SimsNeighborhood Council
04/17/2014AKElected Della CoburnTribal Council
04/12/2014CA Andrew CoffingNeighborhood Council
04/12/2014CA David SauerwaldNeighborhood Council
04/08/2014CA Marshall BlesofskyCollege Board of Trustees
04/07/2014ILElected Phil HuckelberryLocal School Council
04/01/2014DC G. Lee AikinCity Council
04/01/2014WIElected David ConleyCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2014WIElected Ron HardyCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2014WIElected Leland PanCounty Board of Supervisors
04/01/2014WIElected Heidi WegleitnerCounty Board of Supervisors
03/28/2014CAElected Annette KeenbergTown Council – Advisory
03/24/2014MAElected Edward Tar LarnerHousing Authority
03/20/2014CAElected Janine JordanNeighborhood Council
03/20/2014CAElected Jack LindbladNeighborhood Council
03/08/2014CA Amelia AndersonNeighborhood Council
03/08/2014CA Eugene HernandezNeighborhood Council