Greens in Office

At least 163 Greens hold elected office in 21 states across the United States as of November 5, 2024 elections, according to these criteria of who qualifies for inclusion in this list.  Below Greens currently serving in elected office, who were elected to those offices. Other joined the Green Party after being elected, or have been appointed to elected office. A separate list of Greens currently holding elected office by-state is here (Last updated December 15, 2024)

Since 1985, Greens have won at least 1581 races, including five for state legislatures, and have held 12 city council and school board majorities.


At least 152 Greens currently in office have been directly elected. Others have been appointed to office or have joined the Green Party while in office.
NameOfficeLocationTerm Ends
Elected Alan HangarWater District Board of DirectorsVacaville, CA11/2028
Elected Anna RoblinAdvisory Neighborhood CommissionWashington, DC11/2026
Elected Aqeela J. El-Amin BakheitCounty Board of EducationLake County, CA11/2028
Elected Christopher MedeirosIrrigation District Board of DirectorsMerced County, CA11/2028
Elected Eduardo TorresRecreation and Parks District Board of DirectorsContra Costa County, CA11/2028
Elected Eugene PlattPublic Service DistrictJames Island , SC11/2028
Elected Gabriel MedinaSchool Board of TrusteesWatsonville, CA11/2028
Elected Harry FarmerCommunity Services District Board of DirectorsCambria, CA11/2028
Elected Haryaksha Gregor KnauerJoint Technical Education District BoardCoconino County, AZ11/2028
Elected Jane JarlsbergWater District Board of DirectorsSan Bernardino County, CA11/2028
Elected Jesus “Jesse” MendozaCity CouncilMendota, CA11/2028
Elected Jocelyn BolanosWater District Board of DirectorsAlderpoint , CA11/2028
Elected John BaileySchool District Board of TrusteesUkiah, CA11/2028
Elected Kim O’ConnorSoil and Water Conservation DistrictLeon County, FL11/2028
Elected Kimory OrendoffAdvisory Neighborhood CommissionWashington, DC11/2026
Elected Lynette McLaughlinWater Company Board of DirectorsHoulton, ME11/2027
Elected Nancy HeliotesPark and Open Space District Board of TrusteesNapa , CA11/2028
Elected Randy MarxWater District Board of DirectorsSacramento County, CA11/2028
Elected Sylvia R. ChavezCity CouncilCalipatria, CA11/2028
Elected Zachary SaltzbergSchool District Board of TrusteesSebastopol, CA11/2026
Elected John NeptuneTribal CouncilME09/2028
Elected Sara BaconNeighborhood CouncilLos Angeles, CA06/2026
Elected Eric BunkerSelect BoardMonroe, ME06/2027
Elected Jan M. MacdonaldSelect BoardWarren, ME06/2027
Elected Genevieve BeckwithTax CollectorShirley, ME06/2025
Elected Alexander ZukasCommunity Planning CommitteeSan Diego, CA06/2026
Elected Jaaron ShawSelectboardReading, ME06/2027
Elected Jessica TremblayWater District Board of TrusteesAlfred, ME06/2027
Elected Leslie DyerSelect BoardVinalhaven, ME06/2027
Elected Lindsey SavagePark CommissionRangeley, ME06/2027
Elected Nat FortuneTown ModeratorWhately, MA06/2025
Elected Samuel PfeifleSchool BoardGray, ME06/2027
Elected Scott AverySelect BoardCasco, ME06/2027
Elected Tammie AndersSelect BoardMilo, ME06/2025
Elected Marie EvansSchool CommitteeYork, ME05/2027
Elected Daniel LutzConservation DistrictJefferson County, WV05/2028
Elected John W. FarrellConservation DistrictWV05/2028
Elected Jay HudsonTown CommissionSt. Michaels, MD05/2028
Elected Della CoburnTribal CouncilOrganized Village of Kasaan, AK04/2026
Elected Bob GiffordCounty Board of SupervisorsPortange County, WI04/2026
Elected Charles FletcherPlanning BoardMonteville, ME03/2027
Elected Richard A. LyonsSelect BoardPortage, ME03/2027
Elected Miguel Angel Mendez MoralesPlanning GroupSan Diego, CA03/2026
Elected Ann IngersollSchool BoardMoscow, ME03/2027
Elected Jamie CooneyVillage TrusteeSouth Corning , NY03/2026
Elected Jennifer KenneyCemetery Trust Fund CommitteeBrooks, ME03/2027
Elected Nathaniel PicardSelect BoardDetroit, ME03/2027
Elected David VeilleuxBoard of SelectmanNew Portland, ME03/2027
Elected Dagmar NollZoning Board of Appeals AlternateWindham, CT11/2025
Elected Daniel PhippsBoard of Assessment AppealsWindham, CT11/2026
Elected Dianisi TorresBoard of EducationWindham, CT11/2025
Elected Douglas LaryTaxing District BoardWindham, CT11/2027
Elected Fred McCannWater District Board of TrusteesPortland, ME11/2028
Elected Gloria Caballero-RocaSchool CommitteeHolyoke, MA11/2025
Elected Kristen EppBoard of Assessment AppealsWindham, CT11/2026
Elected Leif SmithConstableRedding, CT11/2025
Elected Leif SmithZoning Board of Appeals AlternateRedding, CT11/2025
Elected Megan Mansfield-PryorCity CouncilBath, ME11/2026
Elected Megan ParksSchool CommitteeLewiston, ME11/2025
Elected Michael Bagdes-CanningMayorCherry Valley Borough, PA11/2027
Elected Michael WesterfieldTaxing District BoardWindham, CT11/2025
Elected Natalia HallTown CouncilPittsfield, ME11/2026
Elected Tara YaneyBorough CouncilEdgewood, PA11/2027
Elected Timothy BarnesCity CouncilLafayette, CO11/2027
Elected Joshua HadleyCity CouncilKotzebue, AK10/2025
Elected Katherine DaySelect BoardPownal, ME06/2026
Elected Jodi BrasslettSchool BoardStetson, ME06/2026
Elected Bradley HutchingsRoad CommissionerPeru, ME06/2026
Elected Erin Libby LoikoSchool BoardVassalboro, ME06/2026
Elected Jason DolloffSelectboardPeru, ME06/2026
Elected Jeff ManterTown CouncilVeazie, ME06/2026
Elected Jessica TreadwellSchool Board of DirectorsEtna, ME06/2026
Elected Jodi Reeves EyreBudget Advisory CommitteeSeasport, ME06/2026
Elected Joyce-Palmer FortuneSelect BoardWhately, MA06/2026
Elected Lori PerezSchool BoardHope, ME06/2026
Elected Nat FortuneTown ModeratorWhately, MA06/2026
Elected Thomas McNaughtonSelect BoardWindsor, ME06/2026
Elected Kathryn TempleSchool BoardChelsea, ME06/2026
Elected John VangelistiNeighborhood CouncilLos Angeles, CA05/2025
Elected Daniel MonahanSelectboardTrenton, ME05/2026
Elected David ShannonFire District Board of DirectorsCorbett, OR05/2027
Elected Jonathan BeanTransportation DistrictTillamook County, OR05/2027
Elected Richard SeebergerWater District Board of CommissionersLincoln County, OR05/2027
Elected Samir BitarNeighborhood CouncilLos Angeles, CA05/2025
Elected Rosina JacobsNeighborhood CouncilLos Angeles, CA04/2025
Elected Don CrawfordLibrary BoardSt. Elmo, IL04/2029
Elected Ed WilliamsonHealth BoardHouston, MO04/2027
Elected Gary Hickey IIBoard of SelectmanWest Gardiner, ME04/2026
Elected Laurie MahanParks CommissionBristol, ME03/2026
Elected Ryan RackliffeSchool Board of DirectorsWashburn, ME03/2026
Elected Christopher QuimbyPlanning BoardBrooks, ME03/2026
Elected Denise CilleySelect BoardJonesport, ME03/2026
Elected Ilene McKenneySelect BoardPalermo, ME03/2026
Elected Amanda McDanielSchool CommitteeRichmond, ME03/2026
Elected Nicole TuttleSchool CommitteeRichmond, ME03/2026
Elected Daniel FryeSelect BoardCarmel, ME03/2026
Elected Audrey ThayerCity CouncilBemidji, MN11/2026
Elected Bruce DelgadoMayorMarina, CA11/2026
Elected Daniel KramerCommunity Services DistrictEl Dorado County, CA11/2026
Elected James KingSchool BoardTrinity County, CA11/2026
Elected John BaileyFlood Control and Water Conservation Improvement DistrictMendocino County, CA11/2026
Elected Laura Esperanza SurlsSchool Board of TrusteesCanyon Township, CA11/2026
Elected Michael StewartSoil and Water CommissionGreenville County, SC11/2026
Elected Miguel GuillenSchool BoardTulare County, CA11/2026
Elected Robert ‘Bob’ WichertWater District Board of DirectorsSacramento County, CA11/2026
Elected Ryan O’NeilSchool Board of TrusteesMarin County, CA11/2026
Elected Samantha HinrichsFire Protection DistrictNevada County, CA11/2026
Elected Stephen ZollmanCity CouncilSebastopol, CA11/2026
Elected Della CoburnCity CouncilKasaan, AK10/2025
Elected Ivy TurnerSchool BoardPerry, ME08/2025
Elected Ashlee ChaineSchool BoardFryeburg, ME06/2025
Elected Allison FeltonRecreation CommitteeMonroe, ME06/2025
Elected Andrea WinnSchool BoardMechanic Falls, ME06/2025
Elected Angela McKenneySchool BoardMadison, ME06/2025
Elected Azalea CormierSelect BoardBuckfield, ME06/2025
Elected Danny JacksonSchool BoardWaldoboro, ME06/2025
Elected Jessica SmithSchool BoardMechanic Falls, ME06/2025
Elected Jill BouchardSchool BoardLitchfield, ME06/2025
Elected Marilynn GrizkewitschSelect BoardRichmond, ME06/2025
Elected Michael SchultzSelect BoardHope, ME06/2025
Elected Rebecca HennesseySchool CommitteeNorthfield , ME06/2025
Elected Tasha PerkinsSchool BoardLawrence , ME04/2025
Elected Ronald DeeganSelect BoardBryant Pont, Woodstock, ME03/2025
Elected Sprite YorkSchool CommitteHighland Plantation, ME03/2025
Elected Valerie SilvaSchool BoardLee, ME03/2025
Elected Jain YoungSoil and Water Conservation DistrictAllen County, IN03/2025
Elected Rebecca StanwoodSchool BoardJonesport, ME03/2025
Elected Lexi DaggettSelect BoardNew Vinyard, ME03/2025
Elected Gilbert HarrisBoard of SelectmanLimerick, ME03/2025
Elected Morrigan McLeodSchool BoardSomerset County, ME03/2025
Elected Samantha DelorieSchool BoardSomerset County, ME03/2025
Elected Casey CoteSchool BoardStratton, ME03/2025
Elected Abigail HunterJudge of ElectionsPittsburgh, PA11/2025
Elected Andrew Moses Yanez OlivaJudge of ElectionsReading, PA11/2025
Elected Bert SchultzInspector of ElectionsPhiladelphia, PA11/2025
Elected Emery NgZoning Board of Appeals AlternateWindham, CT11/2025
Elected Jay SweeneyCity AuditorFalls Township, PA11/2027
Elected Jay Ting WalkerJudge of ElectionsPittsburgh, PA11/2025
Elected Joseph WetmoreTown BoardLansing, NY11/2025
Elected Matthew ReitenauerSchool District Board of DirectorsTopton, PA11/2025
Elected Samantha Pree-StinsonBoard of Estimation and TaxationMinneapolis, MN11/2025
Elected William PilkonisJudge of ElectionsScranton, PA11/2025
Elected John ProctorCity CouncilNew Augusta, MS06/2025
Elected Abe CurrinCommunity College Board of EducationUmatilla County, OR05/2025
Elected Alex PolikoffFire DistrictCorvalis, OR05/2025
Elected Brian PowersFire Protection DistrictHubbard, OR05/2025
Elected Chloe FloraHealth DistrictBaker County, OR05/2025
Elected Peter SchwartzmanMayorGalesburg, IL04/2025
Elected Steve De La RosaLibrary BoardVillage of Villa Park, IL04/2025
Elected Anthony Del PlatoVillage Board of TrusteesVillage of Interlaken, NY03/2025
Elected Matt DonohueCircuit Court JudgeOR05/2026
Elected Sandy LezonLibrary Board of TrusteesWarrenville, IL04/2025