Election Date: 11/08/2022
Election Results
Not elected
Place: 3 (3 running for 1 seats)
General election (Partisan, Single Seat, Plurality, Federal) - (Government results)
Location: VA
District: District 2
Office term length: 2 years
Write In Candidate
Campaign Links
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GarryforUS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GarryForUS
Smart Voter / Voters Edge Page:
Vote USA:
Link to Local/County/State Party Endorsement:
Link to Primary Election Results:
General Election Ballot Qualification Details: Write-in provision in Virginia Elections Code <a href="https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title24.2/chapter6/section24.2-644/"https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title24.2/chapter6/section24.2-644/
Under Virginia Elections Code § 24.2-675 , if no person was elected by write-in votes and the total number of write-in votes for any office is less than 10 percent (10%) of the total number of votes cast for that office and the total number of votes cast for the candidate receiving the most votes, the abstract shall contain only the total number of write-in votes and not the number of write-in votes for each person receiving write-in votes. As the total percentage of write-in votes for this office was less than 10%, there was a breakdown statewide of the specific individual write-in votes.